Revolutionizing Museum Spaces: The National Gallery Athens

Unveiling the Award-Winning Design by Parmenidis Longuepee Mari Team

In the heart of Athens, the National Gallery stands as a testament to the fusion of art, architecture, and innovation. The Parmenidis Longuepee Mari Team has transformed the museum into a space that not only houses art but becomes a work of art itself. This article delves into the inspiration, unique properties, and realization of this award-winning design.

The National Gallery Athens, designed by the Parmenidis Longuepee Mari Team, is a marvel of modern museum design. Inspired by the desire to create a space that offers a sense of freedom and open-air feeling to visitors, the team has crafted an environment where the works of art take center stage. The design incorporates geometric spatial indexes and material cues that guide the visitor's gaze, allowing for a unique, personalized exploration of the Greek art of the 19th and 20th centuries.

What sets this design apart is its innovative use of interior design and museography. The exhibition areas are adorned with large panels and suspended ceilings that double as lighting mechanisms. The entrance area and circulation junctions are covered with wooden panels that aid in orientation and space division. The design also features a two-way relationship between the art and the city, with excerpts of the city visible throughout the museum.

The realization of this design was achieved through the use of subdued materials such as metallic frames, gypsum or wood panels, and Stretched Ceiling translucent diffusor films. The choice of materials was deliberate, aiming to highlight the artworks rather than distract from them. The result is a minimalist aesthetic that allows the art to shine.

The National Gallery Athens spans six floors and covers a total area of 8,500 square meters. The design process, which began in 2017 and concluded in 2021, was a collaborative effort involving architects George Parmenidis, Christine Longuepee, and Ifigenia Mari. The team's extensive experience in art exhibition studies and constructions was instrumental in the successful realization of this project.

The design also incorporates interactive screens placed in the entrance and circulation knots, providing visitors with general or specific information about the artworks and the museum. This feature enhances the visitor's experience, making the exploration of the museum a more engaging and informative journey.

The design of the National Gallery Athens is not just an architectural achievement; it's a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and a deep understanding of art and space. The project faced numerous challenges, including coordinating a large team of constructors, engineers, supervisors, curators, and sponsors. Despite these challenges, the team managed to create a space that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and engaging for visitors.

In recognition of their exceptional work, the Parmenidis Longuepee Mari Team was awarded the Golden A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2022. This prestigious award is granted to creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics. The National Gallery Athens is indeed a testament to the team's talent, innovation, and dedication to their craft.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Parmenidis-Longuepee-Mari
Image Credits: All photos own to the team.
Project Team Members: architect: George Parmenidis architect: Christine Longuepee architect: Ifigenia Mari
Project Name: National Gallery Athens
Project Client: Parmenidis-Longuepee-Mari

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