Connectivity: Revamping Corporate Identity with Generative Design

A Unified Representation of Connectivity and Mission

With the company set to double its workforce in 2021, Fernando Machuca and Alex Roman, the designers at Kong Inc., were tasked with revamping the company branding following the momentous launch of its service connectivity platform (Kong Konnect) in October 2020. The design team utilized a generative design method to build all-new branding for key assets that captured a connectivity mesh exhibiting simplicity, clarity, and diversity in woven patterns. The cohesion across external and internal branding brought a unified flow internally and externally to solidify the company mission.

The designers at Kong Inc., a cloud connectivity company, embraced the importance of connectivity during the pandemic, both in technology and the human element of staying connected while apart. To create a tangible representation of connectivity, they employed generative design to develop all-new branding assets. The result was a connectivity mesh that showcased simplicity, clarity, and diversity in woven patterns.

The generative design approach allowed the designers to create unique and irreproducible patterns, which were implemented across various brand assets. These assets included web pages, tote bags, wall and glass decorations in conference rooms, business cards featuring a unique design for each employee, and a glow-in-the-dark limited-edition poster for employees.

The development of the procedural code and the combination of that technology with analog processes, such as generative graphics and silk screen, presented a significant challenge for the design team. However, their dedication and expertise allowed them to overcome these obstacles and bring the vision of a cohesive and visually striking corporate identity to life.

The revamped branding received accolades and recognition, including the Iron A' Design Award in 2022. This award is given to designs that are well-designed, practical, and innovative, meeting professional and industrial requirements. The connectivity-focused branding of Kong Inc. stood out for its integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world.

Through their innovative use of generative design, Fernando Machuca, Alex Roman, and the design team at Kong Inc. successfully captured the essence of connectivity in their revamped corporate identity. Their work not only solidified the company's mission but also showcased the power of design in creating a unified and visually engaging brand.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Fernando Machuca
Image Credits: Main Image: Creator (Senior Designer) Fernando Machuca Optional Image #1: Creator (Senior Designer) Fernando Machuca Optional Image #2: Creator (Senior Designer) Fernando Machuca Optional Image #3: Creator (Senior Designer) Fernando Machuca Optional Image #4: Creator (Senior Designer) Fernando Machuca
Project Team Members: Fernando Machuca Alex Román Adam Kuhn
Project Name: Connectivity
Project Client: Fernando Machuca

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Connectivity IMG #5

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