Revolutionizing Screen Time Monitoring with WellPaper

Oneplus Usa's Innovative Mobile App Transforms Digital Wellbeing

WellPaper, an innovative mobile application by Oneplus Usa, is revolutionizing the way smartphone users monitor their screen time. This award-winning design offers a unique, aesthetically pleasing approach to digital wellbeing, transforming bland screen time statistics into dynamic, personalized wallpapers.

Amid the pandemic, screen time on mobile devices has surged. Recognizing this, Oneplus Usa sought to address two user needs: personalization and effortless screen time management. The result is WellPaper, a mobile app that transforms screen time data into five creative and dynamic wallpapers. This approach not only personalizes the user's device but also provides an effortless way to understand and manage daily screen time.

WellPaper organizes all installed apps into six categories and tracks their screen times. This allows users to visualize their smartphone habits in a unique and aesthetically pleasing way. The five distinctive wallpaper designs are inspired by various art styles and themes, ranging from Piet Mondrian's "Composition No. II" to a relaxing botanical garden design.

One of the unique strengths of WellPaper is its low battery consumption. While dynamic wallpapers typically consume a significant amount of battery, WellPaper calculates and renders a static wallpaper based on the screen time of six app categories, updating it only upon unlocks. This approach provides the visual appeal of a dynamic wallpaper while keeping battery consumption close to that of a static wallpaper.

The design process for WellPaper was thorough and meticulous. The design team sought inspiration from popular wallpaper apps, trending movies, games, and even museum visits. After conducting user research and competitive analysis, they developed eight distinctive design concepts. Feedback from the OnePlus tester community and internal employees helped refine these concepts into the final five wallpapers.

WellPaper was awarded Bronze in the A' Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design Award in 2022. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that demonstrate strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements. With its innovative approach to digital wellbeing, WellPaper is indeed making the world a better place, one wallpaper at a time.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jay Qian
Image Credits: ONEPLUS USA Corp.
Project Team Members: Mingxiao Hu Yichen Wang Soojin Park Jie Qian MinYen Hsieh Sam Twist Andi Lawley Avinash Chitturi Sagare Chetan Basawaraj
Project Name: WellPaper
Project Client: Jay Qian

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