Fun Stories of Fun Friends

Miraen Design Team Creates Engaging Textbook Design

Miraen Design Team introduces a unique and captivating approach to elementary school textbooks, making learning more enjoyable and interactive for students.

Miraen Design Team has revolutionized the concept of traditional textbooks with their latest project, "Fun Stories of Fun Friends." This innovative design aims to make learning more engaging and entertaining for elementary school students. By incorporating cute 3D characters and relatable stories, Miraen Design Team has created a textbook that captures the attention and imagination of young learners.

The inspiration behind this design was to make textbooks easier to comprehend and more enjoyable for students. The team wanted to visualize and express the stories related to daily life that are taught in these textbooks. By creating adorable 3D characters, they added an extra layer of entertainment to the two-dimensional format of the books.

What sets "Fun Stories of Fun Friends" apart from other textbooks is its unique approach to content delivery. The textbook covers are designed to depict images of daily situations that students can relate to, connecting the subject matter to real-life experiences. The characters in the book tell the stories of the learning contents in a fun and engaging way, making it easier for students to grasp and retain information.

The use of fun characters at eye level stimulates students' curiosity and allows them to empathize with the characters, fostering a sense of intimacy with the textbooks. This continual communication with growing children creates a positive learning experience and encourages active engagement.

The realization of this design involved the use of various techniques and materials. Special effects, silk epoxy, and solid PANTONE colors were employed to give the textbook covers a three-dimensional look and feel. The 3D graphics of the characters further enhance the visual appeal of the design.

Each textbook in the "Fun Stories of Fun Friends" series has specific dimensions tailored to its subject and grade level. The social studies textbooks measure 210mm x 275mm x 7mm for grades 3-1 and 3-2, and 210mm x 275mm x 8mm for grades 4-1 and 4-2. The math textbooks have dimensions of 210mm x 275mm x 11mm for grade 3-1, 210mm x 275mm x 10.5mm for grade 3-2, 210mm x 275mm x 9mm for grade 4-1, and 210mm x 275mm x 9.5mm for grade 4-2.

The "Fun Stories of Fun Friends" design is characterized by keywords such as MiraeN, textbook, elementary, school, character, story, color, creative printing, life, and interest. These keywords reflect the essence of the design and its focus on creating an enjoyable and visually appealing learning experience.

The project, which took place in Seoul from January 2021 to August 2021, was a result of extensive research. The team conducted research on visual images that students find appealing and engaging, aiming to create a cover design that would spark their interest and motivation in academics. The use of friendly animals and relatable stories adds a modern and cute touch to the design.

One of the main challenges faced during the design process was finding ways to make the learning contents in the textbooks more exciting and intriguing for students. The team carefully considered the graphics and colors used to bridge the gap between students and teachers. The use of different colors for different subjects and grades was studied and planned meticulously. Numerous printed samples were created to ensure the overall quality of the books.

The "Fun Stories of Fun Friends" design has received recognition for its creativity and ingenuity. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Education, Teaching Aid, and Training Content Design category in 2022. This prestigious award honors designs that demonstrate outstanding technical and creative skills while contributing to improvements in the quality of life.

Miraen Design Team's "Fun Stories of Fun Friends" textbook design is set to be released in March 2022, bringing a fresh and exciting approach to learning for students across Korea. With its captivating characters, relatable stories, and visually appealing design, this innovative textbook is sure to make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for young learners.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Mirae-N Design Team
Image Credits: Mirae-N Design Team
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Hyunji Son Design Project Manager: Kiwook Kim Graphic Designer: Byungjin Jang Graphic Designer: Sujung Shin Graphic Designer: Danbi Kim Graphic Designer: Jinhui Lee Character Designer: King-goo
Project Name: Fun Stories of Fun Friends
Project Client: Mirae-N Design Team

Fun Stories of Fun Friends IMG #2
Fun Stories of Fun Friends IMG #3
Fun Stories of Fun Friends IMG #4
Fun Stories of Fun Friends IMG #5
Fun Stories of Fun Friends IMG #5

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