Revolutionizing Korean Learning with Ggaedok

Miraen Design Team's Innovative Study Supplement Wins A' Design Award

Discover Ggaedok, an innovative Korean study supplement designed by the Miraen Design Team, which has recently been awarded the prestigious Silver A' Design Award in the Education, Teaching Aid and Training Content Design category for 2023.

The Miraen Design Team drew inspiration from the shape of Korean consonants and vowels, which bear a resemblance to quotation marks. These were incorporated into the logo graphic to highlight the unique characteristics of the Korean language and to create an engaging visual experience.

Ggaedok, which stands for "awakening confidence and reading comprehension ability in Korean," is not just a study supplement. It is a unique blend of visual wit and intuitive design that makes learning Korean an enjoyable experience. The design team has also included characters in the vocabulary and reading comprehension books to add a fun element for students.

The design of Ggaedok is brought to life using color foils on key parts of the quotation marks in the logo for enhanced visibility and a harmonious look with other letters. Each book is designated a particular color foil in accordance with Pantone colors, and the books are matte coated to maximize the effect of the color foil.

The project was carried out from August to November 2022 at the MiraeN main office in Seoul. The design team faced the challenge of creating a new book that would capture students' attention and avoid clashing with other letters, ensuring that Ggaedok would be easily read. The result is a logo design that can be expanded into a graphic motif, adding to the book's visual appeal.

As a testament to its innovative design and effectiveness as a study supplement, Ggaedok was awarded Silver in the A' Education, Teaching Aid and Training Content Design Award in 2023. This award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise, creativity, and innovation, and that evoke positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

In conclusion, Ggaedok is a testament to the Miraen Design Team's commitment to innovative design and effective learning tools. With its unique design and engaging features, it is set to revolutionize the way Korean is learned and taught.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Mirae-N Design Team
Image Credits: Mirae-N Design Team
Project Team Members: MiraeN design team Creative Director Hyunji Son Brand Design Kiwook Kim, Danbi Kim Media Design Seyoung Hong Illustrator 52works
Project Name: Ggaedok
Project Client: Mirae-N Design Team

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