Space Center: A Fun and Interactive Learning Game

Transforming Libraries into Immersive Educational Spaces

This project, designed by Chia-Ching Chou, aims to create smart libraries that provide innovative services and engage visitors in a unique learning experience.

The Space Center project is a collaboration between the National Library of Public Information and the National Taipei University of Technology Department of Interaction Design. Its main goal is to construct smart libraries that allow visitors to experience information content and innovative services in a fun and interactive way.

What sets the Space Center apart is its focus on gamification learning. The project aims to create a supportive and engaging environment where children can immerse themselves in interactive games while learning how to use classification numbers as clues to find books. By raising children's motivation through gamification, they are taught the meaning of classification numbers and encouraged to find books independently.

The design of the Space Center utilizes a range of technologies to bring the immersive learning game to life. Hardware components such as computers, CCD cameras, projectors, infrared lamps, directional speakers, and mixer amplifiers are used to create an interactive and engaging experience. The game itself is developed using Unity and Photoshop.

With a width of 10m and a height of 3.8m, the Space Center is projected onto a wall, creating a visually captivating and educational space for children to explore.

The Space Center project is located in the National Library of Public Information in Taichung, Taiwan, and has been in operation since 2017. It has received positive feedback and recognition for its innovative approach to learning.

The design of the Space Center is backed by extensive research. A survey was conducted with 253 participants to evaluate their experience and usability after playing the game. The research explores the factors that affect the flow experience and perceived use of game-based learning for children. Through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the relationship between these factors is examined.

Despite the challenges faced during the design process, such as matching the original hardware equipment in the library and working with limited space, the team successfully overcame these obstacles. The efforts put into the project were well worth it, resulting in a unique and engaging learning experience for children.

The Space Center project has been recognized for its excellence and creativity. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Education, Teaching Aid, and Training Content Design category in 2020. This prestigious award is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity, resourcefulness, and technical skills, contributing to improvements in quality of life.

The Space Center project, with its immersive learning game and focus on gamification, is transforming libraries into interactive educational spaces. By combining technology, creativity, and a supportive atmosphere, children can easily understand the meaning of classification numbers and build a cognitive map in their minds.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chia-Ching Chou
Image Credits: Illustrator, Animation, UI Design credit belongs to CHIA-CHING,CHOU
Project Team Members: Researcher, Designer and Developer: CHIA-CHING,CHOU Developer: JIAN-HUA,GU Special Thanks To KO-CHIU,WU Ph.D, National Library of Public Information and NTUT Department of Interaction Design
Project Name: Space Center
Project Client: Chia-Ching Chou

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