Acorny: A Physical Computing Educational Product

Introducing Acorny: A Toy and App to Teach Computational Thinking to Young Children

The Acorny design by Soyoung Lee and Jaeyoung Myung aims to address the challenge of teaching computational thinking and coding to young children by providing an intuitive and engaging physical computing educational product. With its unique features and educational potential, Acorny is set to revolutionize coding education for young learners.

Teaching computational thinking and coding to young children is a crucial aspect of education in the 21st century. However, the selection of appropriate tools and practices has been a challenge in the field of educational technology. Existing physical computing education products often focus on complex conditions of operation, making it difficult for educators and parents to choose the right learning direction. This is where Acorny comes in.

Acorny is a physical toy and coding app that supports young children in developing computational thinking skills. The physical kit, designed with the motif of computer processing flow, allows beginners to intuitively understand computational thinking concepts. The kit includes input and output physical modules that can be selected by coding beginners based on their preferences.

What sets Acorny apart is its accompanying application, which provides various coding tutorials, recommendations, and challenges. The application is tailored to the input and output modules selected by the user, offering tutorials, coding flow, and algorithm processes to enable beginners to engage in a range of activities and explore computational concepts.

Acorny's design is not only educational but also user-friendly. The physical kit features intuitive functions that help users recognize and understand computer processing steps easily. The Y-branch basic module with LED interaction allows users to effortlessly recognize the computer processing steps. Additionally, the input and output modules are distinguishable by their shape and color, making it easier for young children to understand their functions.

The Acorny design was realized using physical computing technologies, a UX design process, and 3D printed design. The materials used include a fabric cover and ABS. The dimensions of the various modules range from 25mm x 25mm x 30mm to 75mm x 70mm x 30mm, depending on the module type.

Acorny's potential in the field of education is immense. By introducing young children to coding activities at an early age, Acorny lays the foundation for future computational thinking skills. The design team, consisting of Soyoung Lee and Jaeyoung Myung, has created a product that not only teaches coding but also fosters creativity, problem-solving, and logical thinking.

The Acorny project started in January 2022 and was completed in February 2022 in Los Angeles. Extensive research was conducted to understand the challenges in teaching computational thinking and coding to young children. The team aimed to create a tool that would not only be educational but also enjoyable for young learners.

Acorny has already received recognition for its innovative design. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Education, Teaching Aid, and Training Content Design category in 2022. This prestigious award is given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements.

With Acorny, Soyoung Lee and Jaeyoung Myung have created a groundbreaking educational product that combines physical computing, coding, and computational thinking. This design has the potential to revolutionize coding education for young children, providing them with the skills they need to thrive in the digital age.

Project Details and Credits

Image Credits: Main Image: Product Designer JAEYOUNG MYUNG Image #1 Product Designer JAEYOUNG MYUNG Image #2 Product Designer JAEYOUNG MYUNG Image #3 Product Designer JAEYOUNG MYUNG Image #4 Product Designer JAEYOUNG MYUNG, UX Designer SOYOUNG LEE Video UX Designer SOYOUNG LEE
Project Team Members: Designer: Soyoung Lee Designer: Jaeyoung Myung
Project Name: Acorny

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Acorny IMG #5

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