NewDays: Revolutionizing Remote Team Management with a Cross-Platform Desktop Application

Enhancing Communication and Collaboration in the New Work Environment

The ways in which teams communicate and work together have changed a lot since the pandemic began. As the new environment brought both advantages and disadvantages, the current methods we use have some difficulties for managers to have an overview, encourage each team member, and to onboard new remote employees. Considering the various remote work environment stress points, Inn Sun Park and Yoyo Dong designed NewDays, a cross-platform desktop application that aims to solve these problems and revolutionize remote team management.

NewDays is a cross-platform product designed specifically for the new work environment. The absence of face-to-face workplace interactions has left employees more disconnected than ever, and managers are facing the challenge of leading a team in a completely virtual setting. NewDays provides managers with the tools they need to maintain team morale, oversee performance, identify problems flagged by team members, and effectively onboard new employees.

Utilizing Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, After Effect, and Miro Board, the design team crafted a user experience and user interface that is intuitive and visually appealing. Extensive research tools such as user journey maps and service blueprints were employed to ensure a seamless experience for users. The result is a desktop application that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

The home page dashboard serves as the central hub where managers can easily see and address any issues that require their attention. Collaborative welcome cards can be shared within the team, fostering a sense of camaraderie and connection. Project pages provide an overview of the project's progress and allow team members to seek assistance when needed. Additionally, a dedicated resources section streamlines the transition of work, making it more efficient. The kudos page highlights team performances throughout the week in a more informal and engaging manner.

The NewDays project began in September 2021 through remote collaboration and is an ongoing process with regular updates based on evolving needs. The design team conducted extensive research during the initial stages, including affinity diagrams and interviews to understand the current work environment. Low-fidelity mock-ups were tested with research participants to gather valuable insights on usability and viability. Multiple iterations and A/B testing were conducted to refine the product design.

Designing NewDays came with its fair share of challenges. Identifying the core needs of the current remote work environment required extensive questioning and research. The decision to target managers as the primary users added complexity to the design process due to the product's scalability. Simplifying the interface design and presenting complex information in a user-friendly manner was also a significant challenge that the team successfully overcame.

NewDays has been recognized for its outstanding design and innovative approach. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interface, Interaction, and User Experience Design category in 2022. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life. NewDays exemplifies the integration of art, science, design, and technology, making it a valuable tool for enhancing remote team management.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Inn Sun Park
Image Credits: Inn Sun Park
Project Team Members: Inn Sun Park Gabriela Sudirja Jing Qiao Yoyo Dong
Project Name: NewDays
Project Client: Inn Sun Park

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