Proof of Existence: A Monochrome Womenswear Collection Inspired by Harmony and Love

A Rainbow-Inspired Streetwear Collection by Hyeonjeong Woo

As hate crimes against marginalized communities continue to rise, designer Hyeonjeong Woo responds with a powerful collection that seeks to promote harmony, peace, and love. Inspired by the symbolism of rainbow flags, "Proof of Existence" explores the meaning of rainbow-hued clothing in a streetwear-inspired context.

What sets "Proof of Existence" apart is its unique interpretation of the rainbow flag. Each color represents a different aspect of what we hold dear in life, and this is reflected in the monochromatic streetwear pieces. Handcrafted resin jewelry, featuring nature-inspired designs, adorns the garments, adding a touch of artistry and individuality.

Woo's creative process involved experimenting with traditional two-dimensional repeated prints on fabrics, transforming them into three-dimensional works of art. This innovative approach creates exciting textures, with each look holding its own unique meaning. For example, red represents life, while yellow signifies sunlight and is reminiscent of Atlanta's vibrant springtime. Green reflects nature but also alludes to poison, with deadstock poly fabric painted with acrylic to convey this duality. Blue represents harmony, and purple taffeta is used to create the illusion of Venus or the Statue of Liberty, reflecting sunlight and adding a touch of mystique.

The realization of the "Proof of Existence" collection relied heavily on the use of deadstock fabrics. Woo's research led her to discover that monochrome looks would be the most effective way to add dynamics to the eyes. To ensure the designs stayed true to their concept, Woo created her own embellishments, including hand-drawn, molded, colored, ground, coated, and hand-stitched resin elements. She also experimented with various dyeing, painting, and printing techniques to maximize the use of fabric and reduce waste.

The garments in the "Proof of Existence" collection feature intricate design details and structures, offering a fusion of organic and geometric aesthetics. Techniques such as shirring, unbalanced cutting, pleating, and draping create visually striking silhouettes. The collection's unique surface designs and intense colors reveal hidden details upon closer inspection, adding an element of surprise and delight for the wearer and viewer.

Designed as ready-to-wear pieces, the "Proof of Existence" collection combines the energy of primary and monochromatic hues with a wide range of fabric and garment construction techniques. The garments are light to midweight, allowing for ease of movement without compromising aesthetics. Whether worn in a business setting or for a night out, these pieces elevate any occasion. The collection strikes a balance between functionality and aesthetics, offering both comfort and visual impact.

The "Proof of Existence" collection was produced in South Korea from April 2021 to January 2022. Throughout the design process, Woo's underlying research focused on using fashion as a platform to address social issues and promote acceptance and love. The rainbow flag, with its origins rooted in acceptance and inclusivity, serves as a powerful symbol in this collection.

Despite the challenges faced during the creation of the "Proof of Existence" collection, including the utilization of five different fabrics and the time-consuming process of working with epoxy resin, Woo's dedication and attention to detail shine through in the final designs. The collection offers a fresh perspective on how the design language can be translated into clothing, combining construction details, aesthetics, and a powerful message of unity.


Image #1: Hyeonjeong Woo, Proof of Existence, 2022

Image #2: Hyeonjeong Woo, Proof of Existence, 2022

Image #3: Hyeonjeong Woo, Proof of Existence, 2022

Image #4: Hyeonjeong Woo, Proof of Existence, 2022

Image #5: Hyeonjeong Woo, Proof of Existence, 2022

Intellectual Property Notice: Copyrights to Hyeonjeong Woo, 2022

Awards and Accolades: "Proof of Existence" was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Fashion, Apparel, and Garment Design category in 2022. This prestigious award recognizes designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving the quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hyeonjeong Woo
Image Credits: Image #1: Hyeonjeong Woo, Proof of Existence, 2022 Image #2: Hyeonjeong Woo, Proof of Existence, 2022 Image #3: Hyeonjeong Woo, Proof of Existence, 2022 Image #4: Hyeonjeong Woo, Proof of Existence, 2022 Image #5: Hyeonjeong Woo, Proof of Existence, 2022
Project Team Members: Hyeonjeong Woo
Project Name: Proof of Existence
Project Client: Hyeonjeong Woo

Proof of Existence IMG #2
Proof of Existence IMG #3
Proof of Existence IMG #4
Proof of Existence IMG #5
Proof of Existence IMG #5

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