Craftal: Fostering a New Environment for Japanese Craft Tableware

A Subscription Service Connecting Artisans and End Users

The Japanese traditional craft industry is facing numerous challenges, including declining sales, labor shortages, and limited product development and sales channels. In response to these issues, Culture Generation Japan has developed Craftal, a subscription service that provides Japanese craft tableware to restaurants and households. This innovative platform aims to create a new environment where people can discover and appreciate a wide variety of traditional crafts from all over Japan.

Craftal was born out of the need for restaurants to use traditional crafts, coupled with the limited opportunities to purchase them due to time and cost constraints. By connecting artisans and end users, Craftal addresses the challenges faced by both the restaurant industry and craftsmen. The service has started working directly with chefs to develop highly usable tableware products, incorporating their feedback and experiences.

The business model behind Craftal is designed to solve problems faced by craftsmen and restaurants alike. Craftsmen often struggle to sell expensive products, but they also face limitations in expanding their craft if they only produce pieces that can be sold cheaply. On the other hand, restaurants find it expensive to buy a wide variety of tableware, especially considering the need to rotate it seasonally to pair with changing dishes throughout the year.

Currently, Craftal offers more than 300 products, collaborates with over 30 restaurants, serves over 50 end-users, and works with more than 50 craftsmen and artisans. The service has also seen over 500 people participating in trial events, showcasing its growing popularity and impact.

Operating Craftal is a straightforward process. Users can select 30 tableware pieces from a physical gallery or an online catalog. They can also consult with a curator for personalized selections. Once the inventory is confirmed at the distribution center, the chosen tableware is sent to the restaurant for an initial trial period of three months. After the trial period, the customer can either exchange or return the tableware pieces. Returned items undergo maintenance at the distribution center before being sent to another restaurant, ensuring a sustainable and efficient use of the craft tableware.

Craftal was first established in June 2019 in Tokyo as a B2B platform connecting restaurateurs and craftsmen in Japan. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing number of people spending time at home, Craftal expanded its services to individual households in May 2020. This move allowed the platform to reach a wider audience and address the changing needs of consumers.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Craftal has persevered and adapted to the circumstances. Initially targeting restaurants impacted by the pandemic, the service shifted its focus to individual households, increasing awareness and usage. Additionally, Craftal discovered an unexpected demand from restaurants specializing in Western cuisine, expanding its customer base beyond Japanese cuisine.

Craftal's mission is to provide a platform that fosters greater interaction between artisans and end users, creating more opportunities for people to experience and appreciate Japanese traditional crafts. Through user feedback, craftsmen can develop products better suited for the market, while restaurateurs and other users contribute to the sustainability of the traditional tableware industry in Japan.

The success of Craftal has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Cultural Heritage and Culture Industry Design category in 2022. This prestigious award acknowledges the outstanding creativity and resourcefulness of the design, as well as its contribution to improving the quality of life and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: TAKUYA HOTTA
Image Credits: TAKUYA HOTTA
Project Team Members: Producer: Takuya Hotta Director: Hideya Izawa Designer: Shugo Urata Curator: Aki Yasuda Planner: Takahiro Tsuchida Planner: Yumi Takahashi
Project Name: Craftal
Project Client: TAKUYA HOTTA

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