"Peace": A Harmonious Photo Collage by Masaki Hirokawa

Golden A' Design Award Winner Brings a Message of Equality and Harmony

Renowned designer Masaki Hirokawa's photo collage "Peace" is a testament to the power of art in conveying profound messages. This award-winning piece, born out of a desire for global unity amidst a health crisis, is a visual representation of equality and peace.

Masaki Hirokawa's "Peace" is a unique interpretation of the universal longing for tranquility and unity. The design was inspired by the global spread of infectious diseases, prompting Hirokawa to create a piece that emphasizes the value of all lives, regardless of nationality, language, color, or socioeconomic status. The collage is a reminder that every individual, from great scholars to sinners, is equally blessed and precious.

The collage features a woman surrounded by multiple hands, symbolizing the manifestation of a higher being who brings peace to the world. This integrated design, crafted with a wish for love, harmony, and peace among humankind, embodies a design hierarchy based on equality. The piece's unique properties lie in its ability to visually articulate a complex and profound message.

The creation of "Peace" involved meticulous editing of each source material, followed by the addition and correction of glow effects to form a single, cohesive image. The precision and attention to detail in adjusting brightness and colors, and the elaborate editing of each element, contribute to the collage's striking visual impact.

Despite the challenges of creating coherence among diverse source materials, Hirokawa successfully overcame these hurdles through relentless trial and error. The result is a harmonious balance among all elements, reinforcing the presence of each other and maintaining the design's integrity. The design concepts conveyed by this collage are balance and harmony, with each hand around the woman reinforcing the presence of the others.

"Peace" was created in June 2020 in a Tokyo workshop over a week-long period. The collage is a testament to Hirokawa's commitment to visual representation that nourishes the mind, providing peace of mind to the viewer. This work is a comprehensive representation of all core systems that allow human existence to prosper, including business, society, ideologies, and culture.

The design's excellence was recognized with a Golden A' Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award in 2023. This prestigious accolade is granted to outstanding creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics. Hirokawa's "Peace" indeed stands as a marvelous and trendsetting creation that advances art, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Masaki Hirokawa
Image Credits: Masaki Hirokawa
Project Team Members: Masaki Hirokawa
Project Name: Peace
Project Client: Masaki Hirokawa

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Peace IMG #5

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