Vanke Design Commune: A Unique Auditorium Design

Creating a Community-Style Public Space

The design team led by Wang Jingjing was entrusted to conceive the auditorium and public area in Design Commune, aiming to create a community-style public space that provides more display and communication opportunities for users. This innovative design seeks to stimulate the participation of design firms and individuals, while also linking various design practices based on the "new consumption mode".

Based on the existing spatial structures, the design team has created a "floating path" in the full-height front hall of Vanke Design Commune's auditorium. This unique feature offers a three-dimensional garden touring-like experience on the way to the auditorium from the entrance. The steel-structure corridor is completely supported by existing vertical columns, while also cleverly hiding pipelines. The combination of concrete and metal creates a distinctive contrast, enabling the "floating path" to produce a mysterious levitation effect.

In this project, the design team has reshaped functions, reorganized circulation routes, and adopted visual guiding expressions to maximize the vitality, potential, and value of design firms. The aim is to create innovative scenes that facilitate collaboration and connection among designers. The auditorium spans an area of 2582.78 square meters and is designed to be a versatile space for various events.

The "floating path" simplifies the original circulation route on the way to the auditorium from the basement floor, achieving a perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. With its elaborate steel structure design, this floating corridor is completely supported by the existing columns, while also concealing pipelines. The contrast between heavy concrete and light metal creates a visually striking space, enhancing the mysterious levitation effect of the "floating path".

The Vanke Design Commune project was located on Dashi 2nd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China. The design process took place from May 19, 2020, to February 8, 2021. Throughout the project, the design team faced challenges such as the separation of the two floors and poor accessibility to the upper level. However, they overcame these obstacles by reshaping the circulations inside and outside the exhibition hall, effectively offering design-linked services to the community.

The Vanke Design Commune auditorium design has received recognition for its creativity and ingenuity. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award is bestowed upon outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. The design exhibits strong technical and creative skills, contributing to improvements in the quality of life and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Wang Jingjing
Image Credits: Chengdu Yu Jian Graphic Design Co., Ltd.
Project Team Members: Wang Jingjing
Project Name: Vanke Design Commune
Project Client: Wang Jingjing

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