China Merchants: Redefining Bank Store Identity

A Modernized Branch Designed by Shenzhen Scene Aesthetic Design Co., Ltd

Inspired by classical Chinese architecture, the new branch of China Merchants Bank embraces a design language that combines technology and humanity. With a focus on openness and inclusiveness, this branch aims to bridge the gap between customers and the interior space, creating a welcoming and functional environment for daily socializing and leisure.

In classical Chinese architecture, the window is often represented by a square, symbolizing security and stability. Taking inspiration from this geometric shape, the design team at Shenzhen Scene Aesthetic Design Co., Ltd has made the square the architectural core and visual focus of the branch's identity. By doing so, they aim to convey a reliable image that reflects the bank's openness and friendliness to customers both visually and mentally.

What sets this branch apart is its emphasis on technology and humanity. The materials and design techniques used in the interior design create an affinity that bridges the gap between customers and the space. Divided into several functional areas, the branch goes beyond traditional banking services, offering a place for socializing and leisure. This approach aims to enhance the overall customer experience and create a sense of inclusiveness.

The interior visual effect is achieved through a careful selection of lighting, colors, and materials. Wood, leather, glass, and lighting are harmoniously combined to create a cozy and soothing ambiance. The use of black borders and contrasting brand colors adds a touch of modernity. The grains of wood and leather, along with the lighting of 5500K color temperature, create a relaxing space for communication, perfectly interpreting the theme of technology and humanity.

With a total area of 870 square meters, this branch is a testament to the bank's commitment to providing innovative and customer-centric services. The integrated rest area at the front lobby serves as a distinctive signature of the project, leaving a lasting impression on customers and contributing to higher brand memorability. This area also caters to the needs for guidance, rest, and service, enhancing user viscosity and attracting more customers.

The design project started in June 2020 and was completed in Shenzhen, China, in February 2021. Extensive research was conducted to understand the evolving needs of customers and the changing landscape of banking services. By integrating technology, life, and financial services, this project aims to refresh customers and standardize branches while retaining their individual characteristics through modular design.

The project faced several challenges, including the integration of multiple functional areas such as business reception, waiting, and entertainment. However, by shedding the traditional serious and stiff reception desk, the design injects a humanized and leisurely touch into the space, transforming it into an intelligent, ecological, and cozy environment.

The China Merchants Bank 3.0 Plus branch has received recognition for its outstanding design. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The branch's design, with its fulfillment and positive feelings, contributes to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Shenzhen Scene Aesthetic Design Co., Ltd
Image Credits: Shenzhen Scene Aesthetic Design Co., Ltd
Project Team Members: Wendong Zhou, LEE YOUNGBIN, Jingfan Chen, Shuidong He, Qilin Yang
Project Name: China Merchants
Project Client: Shenzhen Scene Aesthetic Design Co., Ltd

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