The Incubator: A Co-Working Space for Start-Up Technology Companies

Creating a Vibrant and Flexible Working Environment

When stepping into The Incubator, visitors are greeted by a metallic green panel and greenery set on light troughs in the main office. This design choice not only reflects the environment-oriented business but also creates a relaxed space for idea exchange. Unlike traditional companies, this incubator requires greater flexibility with few fixed workstations. To address this, designer Nikki Ho Lk has created several independent functional areas that can be combined to create a large holistic gathering space.

The Incubator is a co-working space and nurturing hub for start-up technology companies. Its design aims to create a working environment with vitality, connectivity, and flexibility. The office is comprised of two segments: the informal collaboration spaces and individual offices and meeting rooms. This layout caters to communal events, cross-company interaction, as well as private working spaces.

One of the unique features of The Incubator is its ability to fulfill the needs for both public spaces and privacy. The design successfully balances the need for open collaboration areas with the requirement for secluded working spaces. This allows for a dynamic and adaptable environment that can cater to the diverse needs of start-up companies.

The choice of materials in The Incubator is also carefully considered. The use of low light reflectivity and matte surfaces provides visual comfort, while the materials are soft to the touch and resistant to fingerprints. Additionally, the thermal healing properties of the superficial micro scratches make maintenance of the space easy.

Glass compartments are strategically used throughout the office to create a sense of spaciousness and ensure ample natural light, regardless of whether there are external windows or not. The top lighting frame, matched with the regular grid, helps to modify the open pipeline in the ceiling, adding a touch of elegance to the overall design.

The Incubator's design has been recognized for its excellence. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2023 in the category of Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design. This award is given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The Incubator stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its contribution to a better world.

Image Credits: Gary Chung & Derek Chan

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Nikki, LK Ho
Image Credits: Gary Chung & Derek Chan
Project Team Members: Nikki Ho LK
Project Name: The Incubator
Project Client: Nikki, LK Ho

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The Incubator IMG #3
The Incubator IMG #4
The Incubator IMG #5
The Incubator IMG #5

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