Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympics: A Journey Through Time

Preserving the Legacy of the XIV Winter Olympics

The Olympic Museum in Sarajevo, designed by Kenan Tuzi, pays homage to the unforgettable XIV Winter Olympic Games held in 1984. This unique exhibition space combines history, art, and sport to create an immersive experience that transports visitors back to the spirit of the 80s.

The visual design of the museum space is a tribute to the iconic 80s era, aiming to evoke emotions and memories of the event itself. By incorporating recognizable graphic motifs, colors, and styles, the museum creates a nostalgic atmosphere that resonates with visitors. The exhibits and videos further enhance the immersive experience, allowing visitors to relive the excitement of the Winter Olympics.

What sets the Olympic Museum apart is its status as the only Olympic museum in the region and the sole sports museum in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Founded by the Organizing Committee of the XIV WOG, its mission is to preserve the memory of the organization and realization of the Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympics. The museum also collaborates with the Olympic Academy to promote and uphold Olympic values and the spirit of sportsmanship.

The design of the museum seamlessly blends the historical building with the needs of a modern gallery space. Covering an area of approximately 200 square meters, the project carefully balances the preservation of the past with the demands of the present.

Upon entering the museum, visitors are greeted by a ground floor dedicated to introducing them to the Olympics and the history of winter sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The opening ceremony torch and a prominent wall featuring the WOG '84 logo create the perfect backdrop for visitors to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of that time and capture memorable photos or selfies.

The first floor of the museum is dedicated to showcasing the arenas, results, and atmosphere of the main sporting events. It also features a presentation on the European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) 2019, which serves as a continuation of the Olympic story. Additionally, the museum houses the "Art and Sport" collection, featuring works by renowned artists from the 80s, including Andy Warhol and Henry Moore, alongside local Bosnian and Herzegovina artists.

The Olympic Museum project, initiated in 2021 and ongoing, faced several challenges. The original museum was destroyed during the war, and only a portion of the exhibition and artifacts survived. The reconstruction process involved recreating elements and capturing the look and feel of the 1984 Olympics. Furthermore, the new museum aims to cater to today's generations and visitors while evoking the memory and atmosphere of the past.

Through its unique blend of history, art, and sport, the Olympic Museum in Sarajevo offers visitors a captivating journey through time. It not only preserves the legacy of the XIV Winter Olympics but also provides new experiences and insights for visitors of all ages.

Photo by Kenan Tuzi

This Design was awarded Iron in A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023. The Iron A' Design Award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. It is respected for integrating industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, providing fulfillment and positive feelings, and contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kenan Tuzi
Image Credits: Photo by Kenan Tuzi
Project Team Members: Kenan Tuzi
Project Name: Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympics
Project Client: Kenan Tuzi

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