Shilushi Inc.'s Traces of Zero: A Calendar Redefining Time and Space

Golden A' Design Award Winner Transforms the Mundane Calendar into a Work of Art

Shilushi Inc. has reimagined the traditional calendar, creating a unique piece of art that serves as a daily reminder of our place in the universe. The Traces of Zero calendar, a Golden A' Design Award winner, is an innovative blend of design, technology, and philosophy that encourages viewers to see the world with clear eyes.

The Traces of Zero calendar is more than just a tool to keep track of dates. Inspired by the current global situation and the need for humanity to live in harmony with nature, Shilushi Inc. has created a calendar that encourages viewers to see the world from a new perspective. Each calendar card can be used for two months, with a unique pattern appearing on the PACHIKA paper when light passes through the zero-shaped frame. The inclination of the frame is the same as the Earth's axis, adding another layer of meaning to the design.

The creation of the Traces of Zero calendar was a feat of design and technology. The PACHIKA paper used in the calendar becomes translucent when hot-stamped, a characteristic that Shilushi Inc. used to their advantage to create the unique patterns within the zero frame. The process required extensive testing and the expertise of technical professionals to perfect.

Despite its small size, the Traces of Zero calendar is designed to make a big impact. The solid white frame contrasts with the organic inner pattern, drawing the viewer's attention and encouraging contemplation. The calendar is not just a functional tool, but also an interior design object that adds a touch of sophistication to any space.

The Traces of Zero calendar is a testament to Shilushi Inc.'s commitment to innovative design. The calendar is part of a series of original designs that the company gifts to clients and business partners at the beginning of each year. The calendar is not just a token of appreciation, but also a reminder of the joy and creativity that design can bring.

In conclusion, the Traces of Zero calendar is a perfect example of how design can transform everyday objects into meaningful pieces of art. By challenging the traditional concept of a calendar, Shilushi Inc. has created a product that encourages viewers to see the world in a new light and serves as a daily reminder of our place in the universe.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: SHILUSHI Inc.
Image Credits: All image: Photographer Naohiro Isshiki
Project Team Members: Art Direction & Graphic Design: Emi Kawasaki Graphic Design: Yui Kadota Graphic Design: Satoka Araseki Graphic Design: Takanori Nezu Title Copy & Coordinate: Daisuke Kodama Printing Direction & Manufacturing: Shinohara Shiko Ltd.
Project Name: Traces Of Zero
Project Client: SHILUSHI Inc.

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