Meze Audio's 109 Pro: A Symphony of Design and Sound

Artistic Headphone Design Meets High-End Functionality

Meze Audio, renowned for their passion for extraordinary sound and timeless aesthetics, introduces the 109 Pro, a dynamic open-back headphone that blurs the barriers between design and artistry.

Meze Audio's philosophy is rooted in the passion for sound, aesthetics, and craftsmanship. The 109 Pro is the embodiment of these values, offering an inspiring and meaningful experience to its users. The design team, including Antonio Meze, Paul Stet, and Remus Feldman, has created a product that transcends the faithful reproduction of sound to deliver pure emotion.

What sets the 109 Pro apart is its unique blend of form and function. The first dynamic open-back headphone from Meze Audio, its chassis combines premium materials such as black walnut wood, manganese steel, zinc, and velour in a comfortable, lightweight, yet highly durable design. The headphone is assembled by hand with ultimate precision and attention to detail, reflecting the brand's commitment to quality and performance.

The 109 Pro is more than just a headphone; it is an interaction with sound. Designed for comfort, the self-adjusting headband spreads the weight evenly, making it suitable for any head shape and size. The velour cushions provide an optimal seal to create an emotionally engaging sound. The use of velour, softer and more breathable than leather, also prevents sweat and overheating during lengthy listening sessions.

Despite its high-end functionality, the 109 Pro is crafted with sustainability in mind. Each part of the headphone can be taken apart and serviced, extending the life of the product beyond limit. This commitment to sustainability is a testament to Meze Audio's dedication to creating products that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally conscious.

The 109 Pro's design journey began in 2019 and was finalized in May 2022. It is set to be officially launched in September 2022. The design process involved extensive research and development, with a focus on materials research to build a structure that would maximize the sonic abilities of the headphone. The result is a product that is as beautiful looking as it is comfortable.

The 109 Pro has been recognized for its exceptional design, winning the Platinum A' Audio and Sound Equipment Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award recognizes world-class, innovative designs that contribute to societal wellbeing and make the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Meze Audio
Image Credits: Meze Audio
Project Team Members: Antonio Meze, Paul Stet, Remus Feldman
Project Name: 109 Pro
Project Client: Meze Audio

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109 Pro IMG #5

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