Crossover Lab: The Future of Office Design

Sachiko Umeoka's Innovative Approach to Post-Pandemic Workspaces

In the heart of Tokyo, a 60-year-old building has been transformed into a unique and innovative workspace. Sachiko Umeoka's Crossover Lab combines the designer's expertise in space creation with a fresh perspective on the future of office design. This award-winning project is a testament to the power of collaboration, sustainability, and locality in shaping the workplaces of tomorrow.

The Crossover Lab is not just an office, but a hub for ideas and innovation. Umeoka's design is based on the concept of CROSSOVER - a fusion of different fields and individual expertise. The space is designed to encourage collaboration and co-creation, redefining the office as a place where people gather to amplify ideas. This is a significant shift from the traditional view of the office as a place for individual work.

Umeoka's design also places a strong emphasis on sustainability and wellbeing. The Crossover Lab incorporates upcycled materials, such as wood residue and resin tabletops, waste clothes as surface materials, and wall panels made from coffee grounds. The use of sustainable cork and carbon-neutral carpet tiles further enhances the project's eco-friendly credentials.

The Crossover Lab spans three floors and covers a total area of 6,506 square meters. Each floor offers a variety of workspaces, allowing staff to choose the environment that best suits their needs. This flexibility is key to fostering serendipity and co-creation within the office.

The project is deeply rooted in the history and locality of East Ginza. Umeoka and her team conducted extensive research into the area's history, incorporating elements of it into the office design. This connection to the local area is a key part of the Crossover Lab's identity and adds a unique touch to the workspace.

The Crossover Lab is a testament to Umeoka's innovative approach to office design. It has been recognized with a Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023, a prestigious accolade that rewards outstanding expertise and innovation. The award is a testament to Umeoka's skill and creativity, and the Crossover Lab stands as a shining example of the future of office design.

With the Crossover Lab, Umeoka has set a new standard for office design. The project embodies the future of the workplace - a place of collaboration, sustainability, and connection to the local community. It is a space that not only facilitates work but also inspires and nurtures creativity. As we move into the post-pandemic era, the Crossover Lab offers a glimpse of what the office of the future could look like.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: MITSUI Designtec Co.,Ltd.
Image Credits: #1: Photographer Nacasa & Partners Inc. , 2022 #2: Photographer Nacasa & Partners Inc. , 2022 #3: Photographer Nacasa & Partners Inc. , 2022 #4: Photographer Nacasa & Partners Inc. , 2022 #5: Photographer Nacasa & Partners Inc. , 2022
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Shinichi Mitsuki Chief Designer: Midori Sano Chief Designer: Sachiko Umeoka Chief Designer: Kana Honda Chief Designer: Kyohei Otsuka Chief Designer: Taku Sugiyama Chief Designer: Yusuke Fujimoto
Project Name: Crossover Lab
Project Client: MITSUI Designtec Co.,Ltd.

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