Revolutionizing Vision Correction: The Tongming Vision Project

Unveiling Kuaiyu Tang's Award-Winning Design for Vision Correction

Discover the innovative design of the Tongming Vision Correction project, an award-winning creation by Kuaiyu Tang that revolutionizes the way we perceive vision correction.

The Tongming Vision Correction Center, a national chain organization, specializes in correcting the vision of young people and children. The name 'Tongming' translates to 'pupil and bright' in English, which inspired the main design element of the logo. The logo features three pupils of varying degrees, arranged to depict the correction process from blurred to clear vision. This unique design element sets the Tongming Vision Correction project apart from others in the field.

The design process involved various materials and techniques. The business cards and casual set were created using special paper, while the posters utilized outdoor photo materials. The logo, which took the longest time to develop, was the cornerstone of the project. The aim was to create a strong image system, starting with a compelling logo, followed by the development of graphics, and finally, some evolution and plasticity. The entire project was completed in half a month.

The design of the Tongming Vision Correction project was not without its challenges. The enterprise name needed to be relevant to the industry, which proved to be a significant hurdle. The design had to be internationalized as much as possible, capturing symbols in the industry. Despite these challenges, the project was successful, resulting in a logo that is novel, easy to identify, and has a strong visual impact.

The Tongming Vision Correction Center relies on the latest ophthalmic technology of Tongren Hospital. It uses pure physical training methods, without injections, medication, or touching the eyes. The center specializes in correcting myopia, hyperopia, amblyopia, astigmatism, and squint in young people. The technology is advanced, and the effects have been remarkable.

The Tongming Vision Correction project has been recognized for its innovation and design excellence. It was awarded Silver in the A' Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. The designs are admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcasing a remarkable level of excellence and introducing positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

In conclusion, the Tongming Vision Correction project by Kuaiyu Tang is a testament to the power of innovative design in transforming industries. Its unique logo, advanced technology, and award-winning design make it a standout in the field of vision correction.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: tang kuaiyu
Image Credits: tang kuaiyu
Project Team Members: Kuaiyu Tang
Project Name: Tongming Vision Correction
Project Client: tang kuaiyu

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