The Good Cup: A Sustainable Revolution in Packaging

Designer Cyril Drouet's Innovative Approach to Combat Global Plastic Crisis

Every year, over 500 billion single-use plastic and paper cups are manufactured globally, generating a total of over 1 million tonnes of waste in plastic lids alone. Cyril Drouet, a seasoned designer, has come up with a sustainable solution - The Good Cup. This innovative design is set to revolutionize the packaging industry and significantly reduce plastic waste.

With a strong motivation to create new codes, develop new materials/processes and implement the latest technology with brands and manufacturers, Cyril Drouet has always been at the forefront of sustainable packaging revolution. His latest creation, The Good Cup, is a testament to his commitment to environmental sustainability. The Good Cup is a fully patented design that is revolutionizing how the single-use paper cup is manufactured, consumed and recycled.

The unique feature of The Good Cup is its innovative extension to the structure of the cup. It has an integrated lid that folds and locks into place, effectively eliminating the need for a plastic lid. This simple yet effective design is a significant step towards reducing plastic waste generated by the packaging industry.

What makes The Good Cup even more sustainable is the material it is made from. The paper used is not coated with plastic inside, but with a bio-based coating that is certified home compostable and recyclable in paper stream. This is a stark contrast to most paper cups in the market that have a PE coating. The Good Cup is produced using the same process and machine as traditional paper cups, with no additional energy required.

The Good Cup comes in three sizes: 8oz, 12oz, and 16oz. It is a result of extensive research and development that started in July 2019 in Hong Kong. After two years of cooperation, a paper cup manufacturer decided to be part of this project. In March 2022, the company Choose Planet A was created with Cyril Drouet as the major shareholder. Today, The Good Cup is reaching packaging distributors globally.

The Good Cup not only offers a sustainable solution to the global plastic crisis but also provides cost savings. Most sustainable solutions and plastic alternatives in the packaging industry are generally two to three times more costly. However, The Good Cup is not only highly sustainable but also cost-effective. It reduces storage space by 40%, thereby reducing transportation volume and carbon footprint. The Good Cup is a perfect example of how design and innovation can contribute to environmental sustainability.

The Good Cup's innovative design and significant contribution to sustainability have not gone unnoticed. It was awarded Silver in A' Disposable and Single-Use Product Design Award in 2023. The award is a testament to the design's outstanding expertise and innovation. The Good Cup is indeed a remarkable design that is set to make a positive impact on the environment, one lid at a time.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Cyril Drouet
Image Credits: Cyril Drouet
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Cyril Drouet Operation Director: Paul Wong Photographer: Freya Ting Copywriter: Anne Drouet
Project Name: The Good Cup
Project Client: Cyril Drouet

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