It Is In Your Genes: A Dynamic Identity for Genecontact

A Unique Brand Identity Inspired by DNA Structure

Genotyping service Genecontact unveils a brand identity that captures the essence of their operation through a dynamic and visually striking design. Created by designers Bianka Foldi and Robert Valoczi, this innovative identity draws inspiration from the structure of DNA, resulting in a unique and memorable representation of the brand.

The concept behind the design was inspired by the DNA structure, which contains the genetic codes that define our individuality. The designers developed a unique alphabet of Morse codes, with which they spelled out the word "Genecontact" to create the logo. The arrangement of the codes resembles the iconic double-helical structure of DNA, visually representing the core business of the company.

What sets this brand identity apart is its use of codes. The specially designed Morse codes not only form the logo but also allow for a dynamic representation of any word. This flexibility transforms the logo from a static image into a living identity that can adapt to various contexts and applications.

The logo's iconic form, resembling the double-helical structure of DNA, is further reflected in other elements of the brand identity. The pattern derived from the logo's shape is incorporated into various identity elements, creating a cohesive and visually striking visual world for Genecontact.

The attention to detail and refined nature of the brand's visual language is exemplified in the elegant box for the sampling tools. This box serves as a keepsake for customers to preserve their DNA, emphasizing the personal and lasting nature of Genecontact's services. Additionally, the box contains a customized patient card, featuring the customer's name written in Morse code, further reinforcing the brand's unique identity.

Bianka Foldi and Robert Valoczi, along with Creative Director Attila Simon, collaborated on this project, which began in July 2021 in Budapest. The development of the website is still ongoing, ensuring a seamless integration of the brand identity across all touchpoints.

This exceptional brand identity has been recognized for its creativity and ingenuity. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category in 2023. This prestigious accolade celebrates designs that showcase technical and creative excellence, contributing to improvements in quality of life and making a positive impact on the world.

Genecontact's dynamic identity not only captures the essence of their genotyping service but also showcases the power of design to communicate complex ideas in a visually compelling and memorable way. By drawing inspiration from the DNA structure itself, Foldi and Valoczi have created a brand identity that is as unique as the genetic codes it represents.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Brand Bar Communications
Image Credits: Brand Bar Communications
Project Team Members: Designer: Bianka Földi Designer: Robert Válóczi Creative Director: Attila Simon
Project Name: It Is In Your Genes
Project Client: Brand Bar Communications

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It Is In Your Genes IMG #5

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