Gateway To Future: A Fusion of Physical and Virtual Realities

Oval Design Ltd. Crafts an Immersive, Interactive Exhibition Experience

Gateway To Future, an award-winning outdoor exhibition by Oval Design Ltd., merges physical and virtual realities to create a unique, immersive experience. This innovative design, inspired by the concept of a hybrid chessboard game, showcases the most significant developments in sea, land, and air transport infrastructures in Hong Kong.

The exhibition stands out due to its engaging, interactive, and easily comprehensible design. It cleverly integrates factual information and gaming elements, offering visitors a chance to play and learn simultaneously. The design team, led by Creative Director Dennis Wong and Design Director Dominic Kam, focused on creating an appealing design that would attract and engage visitors of all age groups.

Gateway To Future is not just a feast for the eyes but also a technological marvel. The exhibition was built using EPDM, a material made from recycled rubber used in tyre manufacture. This choice of material not only contributes to a playful, leisurely atmosphere but also minimizes environmental harm. According to a Greenpeace report, EPDM ranks highest for its low environmental impact due to its non-toxicity, non-polluting rainwater, high durability, and 100% recyclability.

The exhibition, spanning approximately 500 square meters, was strategically located at Edinburgh Place in Hong Kong's central business district. It ran from 6 July 2022 to 30 November 2022. The design team faced the challenge of presenting a vast amount of information in a limited exhibition area without overwhelming the public. The solution was to translate facts about infrastructures into simple line graphics and fun facts embedded into the physical platforms.

Moreover, a mobile game was developed to impart content in a fun and interactive way. While playing the game, visitors could discover relevant facts from the physical grid and interface shown on their mobile devices. This strategy was designed to pique visitors' curiosity and encourage them to explore the indoor exhibition further.

The Gateway To Future exhibition was recognized for its innovative design and was awarded the Golden A' Event and Happening Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award is granted to creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, advance art, science, design, and technology, and significantly impact the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Oval Design Limited
Image Credits: Oval Design Ltd.
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Dennis Wong, Design Director: Dominic Kam, Designer: Adrianne Chong, Christy Wai, Liam Ho, Thera Ng and Project Management: Jason Chan, Chloe Yeung
Project Name: Gateway To Future
Project Client: Oval Design Limited

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