Ueberholz Olive Tree: A Fusion of Nature and Technology

Nico Ueberholz's Award-Winning Booth Design Unites Natural Elements with Innovative Technology

Ueberholz Olive Tree, a unique booth design by Nico Ueberholz, presents an intriguing blend of nature and technology. This design, which won the Silver A' Event and Happening Design Award in 2017, showcases a 250-year-old olive tree as its centerpiece, surrounded by fragrant sage and lavender bushes, and contrasted with a technologically advanced lighting wall.

The design was inspired by the desire to create a meeting place that stimulates all the senses. Ueberholz sought to create a space that strays from the typical fair environment, offering a unique and memorable brand presentation. The booth's design is characterized by a tension between nature and technology, with the olive tree symbolizing the former and the innovative lighting wall representing the latter.

The lighting wall is a notable feature of the booth. It consists of a strip of flat screens on an RGB-controlled background surface, displaying sequences of landscape shots. This technological component complements the natural elements of the booth, creating a harmonious blend of the two contrasting themes.

The booth's realization was not without its challenges. The transport of the 250-year-old olive tree, which weighs over 500kg, was a significant hurdle that the design team had to overcome. However, the result was a captivating centerpiece that anchors the booth's design.

The Ueberholz Olive Tree booth was showcased at the Euroshop 2005 in Düsseldorf. Despite the passage of time, the design remains a testament to Ueberholz's ability to merge nature and technology in a creative and engaging way. The booth's design, which measures 6 meters by 7 meters, continues to inspire and impress with its unique blend of form and function.

In conclusion, Nico Ueberholz's Ueberholz Olive Tree booth design is a remarkable example of innovative design that successfully merges natural elements with advanced technology. This award-winning design serves as a reminder of the endless possibilities that can be achieved when nature and technology are harmoniously integrated.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: NICO UEBERHOLZ
Image Credits: Ueberholz
Project Team Members: Nico Ueberholz
Project Name: Olive tree
Project Client: NICO UEBERHOLZ

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