Xing Yun Shu: A Design Conveying the Concept of Luck

Bringing Chinese Traditional Culture to Life through Visual Language

The brand image of XingYunShu is attempting to convey the concept of luck of Chinese traditional culture with novel visual language.

The Xing Yun Shu design, created by Bingying Liu, is a unique and captivating representation of luck in Chinese traditional culture. Inspired by the festive Chinese New Year Picture, this design aims to use abstract figures to demonstrate the complexity of Chinese traditional patterns, symbolizing good luck.

The design incorporates a combination of happy red and green colors, along with Chinese letters and characters, to create a brand-new visual experience. By utilizing abstract diagrams, Xing Yun Shu expresses various forms of luck, stimulating positive emotions in consumers and creating a strong connection to the brand.

What sets Xing Yun Shu apart from other designs is its ability to capture the essence of luck in Chinese culture through a fresh and innovative visual language. The use of abstract figures, such as points, lines, and planes, showcases the intricacy of traditional patterns in a modern and captivating way.

The Xing Yun Shu project began in Shijiazhuang in May 2022 and was completed in September 2022. Throughout the design process, the team faced the challenge of effectively expressing different forms of luck through abstract diagrams. However, their creative approach and attention to detail allowed them to overcome this obstacle and create a design that resonates with consumers.

This outstanding design has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category in 2023. The award acknowledges the exceptional creativity and ingenuity of the Xing Yun Shu design, which incorporates best practices in art, science, design, and technology. It is a testament to the strong technical and creative skills of Bingying Liu and their contribution to improving the quality of life through design.

The Xing Yun Shu design is a true celebration of Chinese traditional culture and its concept of luck. Through its unique visual language, it captures the imagination of viewers and creates a strong connection to the brand. With its innovative approach and attention to detail, Xing Yun Shu is a design that truly stands out in the world of art, architecture, design, innovation, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Liu Bingying
Image Credits: Liu Bingying
Project Team Members: Liu Bingying
Project Name: Xing Yun Shu
Project Client: Liu Bingying

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