Y Design: A Visual Identity Born from Myth and Illusion

Yunnan Tech's Logo Channels the Monkey King's Transformations

The prestigious Yunnan Tech and Business University unveils a groundbreaking visual identity, drawing inspiration from classical literature and optical illusions to craft a logo that transcends traditional design boundaries.

Yunnan Tech and Business University's latest visual identity, Y Design, is a masterful blend of cultural heritage and contemporary design principles. The design team, led by Liu Kaiyi, Li Yingxing, and Zhang Weiwei, embarked on a creative journey, channeling the transformative spirit of the Monkey King from the beloved Chinese epic "Journey to the West." The result is a series of 72 distinct logo variations, each one a testament to the character's famed 72 transformations.

At the heart of Y Design lies the ingenious application of M.C. Escher's optical illusion techniques. The designers crafted a three-dimensional "Y" from intersecting cuboids along the XYZ axes. This geometric interplay not only challenges viewers' perceptions but also encapsulates the multidisciplinary research ethos of Y Studio. The logo's adaptability mirrors the studio's commitment to exploring diverse spatial concepts, embodying the essence of variability and innovation.

Y Design's tangible presence is brought to life through sophisticated embossing technology on paper promotional materials, enhancing the three-dimensional illusion with subtle interplays of light and shadow. This tactile approach adds depth to the visual experience, inviting observers to engage with the logo's multifaceted nature.

Adhering to standard dimensions for studio supplies, Y Design maintains a professional and practical approach. The design's versatility is further emphasized by its ability to morph and create different optical illusions, offering a dynamic interaction that reflects the studio's forward-thinking approach to design and research.

The project, conceived and completed within the span of two months in Kunming, is a testament to the team's dedication and the power of collaborative innovation. The underlying research, which involved extensive brainstorming sessions, ultimately selected the Monkey King's transformations as a culturally resonant and easily decipherable motif for the Chinese audience.

Y Design's journey from concept to reality was not without its challenges. The design team's primary obstacle was to distill the complexity of a simple "Y" element into a character capable of multiple variations. Their success in overcoming this hurdle is evident in the design's reception; Y Design has been honored with the Iron A' Design Award in Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design for 2024. This accolade recognizes the design's practicality, innovation, and contribution to a better world through professional and industrial excellence.

Yunnan Tech and Business University's Y Design stands as a beacon of creativity, seamlessly integrating ancient mythology with modern design sensibilities. It is a visual identity that not only represents the institution but also inspires the global design community to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lin Hai
Image Credits: Optional Image #3: Illustrator LinHai, Texture, 2023.
Project Team Members: Liu Kaiyi Li Yingxing Zhang Weiwei
Project Name: Y Design
Project Client: Yunnan Tech and Besiness University

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Y Design IMG #5

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