Yunnan Baiyao: Redefining Children's Toothpaste with Baby Cloud Design

A Personalized and Innovative Approach to Attract Younger Moms

The inspiration for the Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste design came from the brand's name, which means cloud. The designer, Tiger Pan, also drew inspiration from kids' hand drawings. The packaging features a unique IP character called Baby Cloud, personalized with different facial expressions representing different ages. The illustrations are made in a children's drawing style, creating an eye-catching design that appeals to mothers on store shelves.

The Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste design stands out with its unique properties and strengths. The IP character, Baby Cloud, is modeled after the brand's name, representing a playful and memorable image. The personalized facial expressions on the packaging imply different ages, making it relatable to a wide range of children. The illustrations, created in a children's painting style, add a touch of creativity and charm to the design, capturing the attention of mothers searching for the perfect toothpaste for their kids.

One of the notable features of the packaging is its versatility. It is designed to meet the requirements of both horizontal and vertical shelf placement, ensuring maximum visibility and accessibility. Additionally, the strawberry toothpaste box design can be assembled into larger strawberry graphic symbols, forming a more intuitive communication with consumers.

The realization of the Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste design utilizes PLA polylactic acid material, which allows for batch production with a short degradation time of 2-10 months. This innovative packaging material provides promising experimental results for similar products, contributing to sustainable packaging solutions.

The technical specifications of the Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste packaging are as follows: Width 46mm x Depth 39mm x Height 159mm.

Design Tags: toothpaste, kids toothpaste, kids, cloud, Tiger Pan

The design team behind the Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste includes Creative Director Tiger Pan, Graphic Designer Jingwen Xiang, Image Editor Yuling Zhu, Technical Director Zhangkun Xie, and Project Manager Hua You.

The Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste design aims to simplify the consumer's search for an ideal product. With its distinctive IP figure, bright color palette, explicit layout of information, and a unified serial system of packaging, the design ensures that consumers can easily recognize and pick up the product from afar.

The project duration for the Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste design was 2 months, and it was created in Shenzhen.

The design of the Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste is based on extensive research and analysis. It is an upgrade for the brand's best-selling product, aimed at attracting younger moms. The Baby Cloud IP figure, inspired by the brand name, creates a unique emotional connection with consumers and establishes a bond between mother and baby. The children's drawing style of the illustrations adds a playful and approachable element to the design, capturing the attention of mothers in search of toothpaste for their kids.

The Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste design overcame the challenge of reimagining an aging best-selling product to appeal to a younger demographic. By incorporating the Baby Cloud IP character and children's drawing style, the design successfully rejuvenates the brand image and attracts a new generation of consumers.

The Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste packaging features the Baby Cloud IP image, which combines the brand's characteristics and establishes an emotional connection with consumers. The packaging is designed to meet the requirements of both horizontal and vertical shelf placement, ensuring maximum visibility. The strawberry toothpaste box design can be assembled into a larger strawberry graphic symbol, creating a more intuitive communication with consumers. The combination of pinyin and strawberry graphics in the background adds a playful touch, reminiscent of a child's painting.

Image Credits: Tiger Pan

Awards and Accolades: The Yunnan Baiyao children's toothpaste design was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in Packaging Design in 2023. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that incorporate best practices in art, science, design, and technology. The design showcases strong technical and creative skills and contributes to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: TIGER PAN
Image Credits: Tiger Pan
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Tiger Pan Graphic Design: Jingwen Xiang Image Editing: Yuling Zhu Technical Direction: Zhangkun Xie Project Manager: Hua You
Project Name: Yunnan Baiyao
Project Client: TIGER PAN

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