Shibolet Law Firm: A Masterpiece of Office Design by Setter Architects

Winner of Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023

Setter Architects, an acclaimed design team, has transformed the Shibolet Law Firm's offices into a luxurious, efficient workspace. Inspired by the firm's logo and characterized by earth tones, the design radiates elegance and restraint while promoting employee interaction.

The Shibolet Law Firm, one of the largest law firms in Israel, occupies seven floors in a Tel Aviv building. The design team, led by Michal Leitner and junior designer Tal Bachar, divided the floors according to the firm's various fields of activity. Most floors consist of rooms, meeting rooms, and common areas. The main cafeteria, which also serves as a gathering space, is located on the middle floor, while the top floor houses the reception and various conference rooms.

Setter Architects drew inspiration from the company's logo, adopting a minimalistic design with flowing lines, voids, and rhythms. The palette is characterized by earth tones; a scale of browns and grays that radiate luxury and restraint. The design's unique properties lie in its efficient use of space, promoting both formal and informal meetings among employees, and its elegant aesthetic that appeals to a wide age spectrum.

The project was designed using Revit software, allowing every element in the plan to be created in 3D and visualized in high-quality renderings. This technological approach enabled the design team to present the client with various design options, materials, and color palettes in great detail and with full transparency. The offices spread over 7 floors, covering a total of 9000 sqm.

One of the challenges Setter Architects faced was creating interesting, alternating, and inviting hallways. They developed a modular lighting system that spreads and develops along the corridors, creating movement and interest. The elegant lines of the lighting have a dramatic effect against the dark background of the exposed systems in the corridor. At the ends of the corridors, plazas were created thanks to the secretarial desks. The wood paneling in these areas and walls painted in clay brown and coffee tones break the monochromaticity of the corridor.

Setter Architects' design for the Shibolet Law Firm offices is a testament to their ability to create a workspace that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. The design's success is reflected in its Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023, a prestigious accolade awarded to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation. The Shibolet Law Firm offices are a shining example of how design can enhance a workspace, promoting efficiency, collaboration, and a sense of luxury.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Michael Setter
Image Credits: Image #1-Image #5: Photographer Amit Gosher, 2022 Video: Photographer Amit Gosher, 2022
Project Team Members: Lead Designer: Michal Leitner Junior Designer: Tal Bachar
Project Name: Shibolet Law Firm
Project Client: Michael Setter

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