Sound of Magma: Visualizing the Unseen

Unleashing the Sixth Sense through Digital Artworks

Inspired by the invisible power of infrasound, Midori Yamazaki's "Sound of Magma" captivates audiences by making the unseen audible and visible. This groundbreaking project, in collaboration with the Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo, aims to stimulate the sixth sense and reconnect modern humans with the natural world.

In Japan, where natural disasters occur frequently, the study of infrasound has gained significant attention. Infrasound, which cannot be heard by the human ear or seen with the naked eye, has the unique ability to travel long distances. By harnessing the infrasound generated by volcanic eruptions, researchers can observe these natural phenomena from a safe distance, avoiding potential disasters.

Midori Yamazaki's "Sound of Magma" takes this scientific research and transforms it into a mesmerizing visual and auditory experience. Through programmed software, the infrasound data collected during the eruption of Mount Yasur volcano in Vanuatu is translated into captivating videos and static images. The result is a series of digital artworks that bring the invisible power of nature to life.

What sets "Sound of Magma" apart is its ability to stimulate the sixth sense, our innate ability to sense and connect with nature. By making the invisible visible and the inaudible audible, Yamazaki's project bridges the gap between scientific analysis and human perception. It offers a unique opportunity for audiences to experience and understand the natural world in a way that is both captivating and enlightening.

The creation of "Sound of Magma" was not without its challenges. Yamazaki aimed to design a communication system that would awaken the dormant sixth sense in modern humans. To achieve this, she collaborated closely with the Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo, immersing herself in their advanced analysis techniques. The result is a seamless integration of scientific research and artistic expression.

Launched worldwide in June 2022, "Sound of Magma" is set to captivate audiences for at least five years, with the possibility of extensions. It serves as a reminder of the power and beauty of nature, inviting viewers to reawaken their connection with the world around them.

Midori Yamazaki's "Sound of Magma" has been recognized for its innovative approach and creative ingenuity. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in Computer Graphics, 3D Modeling, Texturing, and Rendering Design in 2023. This prestigious accolade celebrates designs that showcase technical and creative excellence, contributing to the improvement of quality of life and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Midori Yamazaki
Image Credits: Image #1: Image Midori Yamazaki, Shape of volcanic wave, 2022. Image #2: Image Midori Yamazaki, Shape of volcanic wave, 2022. Image #3: Image Midori Yamazaki, Shape of volcanic wave, 2022. Image #4: Image Midori Yamazaki, Shape of volcanic wave, 2022. Image #5: Image Midori Yamazaki, Shape of volcanic wave, 2022.
Project Team Members: Midori Yamazaki
Project Name: Sound of Magma
Project Client: Midori Yamazaki

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Sound of Magma IMG #3
Sound of Magma IMG #4
Sound of Magma IMG #5
Sound of Magma IMG #5

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