Zijin Art Museum: A Masterpiece of Modern Architecture

Unbounded Design Meets Art in an Aesthetic Space

The Design Code Co.,Ltd has created a modern, narrative, and poetic art gallery that beautifully blends architecture and art, earning a Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023.

The Zijin Art Museum, designed by The Design Code Co.,Ltd, is a testament to the power of architecture as a form of art. Inspired by the essence of problem-solving in architecture, the design team sought to create a space where visitors are not merely onlookers but become a part of the art itself. The result is a museum that exudes the city's charm and invites its visitors to immerse themselves in its beauty.

The museum's unique design theme, "Order · Art," incorporates modern architectural techniques such as interspersing, stacking, and turning to create a calm and quiet exterior. The interior, on the other hand, is a spatial aesthetic art gallery that tells a story, guides its visitors, and reflects local poetic features. This innovative approach to design, which the team refers to as "Unbounded Design," sets the Zijin Art Museum apart from other art spaces.

The museum, covering an area of 1,200m2, is composed of two floors. The first floor houses the front hall, reception desk, model room, and craft show, while the second floor is dedicated to brand video displays, a sand table area, a water bar area, and a negotiation area. The use of wood veneer, stone, special paint, and metal in the construction of the museum showcases a breakthrough in the regrouping and combining of different materials.

Despite the challenges posed by the slope terrain and the staggered form of building blocks, the design team managed to plan a reasonable layout for the three sample rooms and arrange the basic functions in line with marketing needs. The team also successfully addressed the issue of poor lighting on the first floor and the weakly functioning landscape on the interface of the building and parking lot. The result is a well-lit, functional, and aesthetically pleasing space that broadens visual capacity in a limited area.

The Zijin Art Museum is not just a building; it is a testament to the power of design and architecture. It is a space that invites its visitors to immerse themselves in art, to become a part of the space rather than just observers. It is a testament to the power of design, the power of architecture, and the power of art.

The Design Code Co.,Ltd's commitment to detail and functionality, combined with their innovative design concepts, has resulted in a space that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and user-friendly. This commitment to excellence has earned them a Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023, a testament to their outstanding expertise and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lily Sun
Image Credits: Lily Sun
Project Team Members: Xie Fang, Hu Anqi, Zhu Wenjun, Xia Jinbo, Pan Zaojin, Zhang Lingjie
Project Name: Zijin Art Museum
Project Client: Lily Sun

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