Blings: A Stellar Art Installation by Yiming Min

Blings: A Unique Blend of Art, History, and Innovation

Blings, an art installation by Yiming Min, is a unique blend of art, history, and innovation. Inspired by the Avenue of Stars and the Milky Way, this installation is a tribute to the historical fishing village of Xiamen, China. The installation, which is a part of the China Golden Rooster Film Festival, features 15 stainless steel Blings that represent the full moon. The Blings are set against the backdrop of the sea, creating a mesmerizing view for the audience.

Yiming Min's inspiration for Blings came from the Avenue of Stars, which hangs over the sea like the Milky Way in the vast universe. The installation site was once a fishing village, surrounded by rocks. The Blings installation inherits the historical memory of this land, creating a unique connection between the past and the present.

The uniqueness of Blings lies in its design and construction. Like the Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, the Xiamen Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Coast was built for the event of the China Golden Rooster Film Festival, featuring Blings. The installation is composed of 15 stainless steel Blings based on local crude stones as the prototype, representing completeness as the full moon. The installation is set against the backdrop of the sea, with the bridge floor as the base.

The realization of Blings involved the use of 316L anti-corrosion stainless steel, which was tinted and polished repeatedly to form a strong contrast of texture. This not only reflects the texture of the stone itself but also shows the spirit of artistic creation. The installation occupies an area of 11,000 sqm, with a total length of 660m, a maximum width of about 32 m, and a minimum width of about 10 m, and a maximum height at 2.6m.

Blings is not just a visual spectacle; it is also designed for interaction. With a maximum height of 2.3m, the public can have a close view and lean against the Blings for an intimate interaction. The palm prints of film stars are engraved on the surface of the Blings, making it a permanent installation that will witness the passage of time. Lamps are placed in the hollowed stones to add radiance with the floor-lamps outside, creating a scene of brilliant and sparkling stars.

The project started in May 2022 in Xiamen and finished in November 2022 in Xiamen. Despite the challenges faced in the initial stage of conception, such as uncertainty about public acceptance and achieving harmony and unity in dimensions between the commemorative works and the comfort of involvement for people, the project was a success. The brilliance of Blings is manifested with the material of stainless steel, achieving a perfect unity between material and content.

Blings was awarded Silver in A' Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yiming Min
Image Credits: Photographer: Lianbi Luo Video: Yiyuan (Xiamen) Landscape Planning and Design Co., LTD
Project Team Members: Yiming Min
Project Name: Blings
Project Client: Yiming Min

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