Oil Street Art Space

Wayfinding System

The project aims to design a wayfinding system for Oil Street Art Space, an art oasis in the midst of the urban jungle of concrete and steel with original historical premises and a new contemporary building extension with outdoor spaces to host exhibitions and community activities. The signage is a transformation of the Oil logo, combined with three surface areas to illustrate the diversity and energetic vibe that 'Oi!' is bringing to the community with the opening of a new phase.

Oil Street Art Space, housed in the former clubhouse of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, has been revitalized and restored to open as a community leisure and cultural space in two phases. The space includes a red-bricked Grade II historic building with a tile roof and over 3000 sqm of outdoor area, along with a two-storey building incorporating an exhibition and multipurpose venue. This unique combination of historical and contemporary elements sets Oil Street Art Space apart from other art and cultural spaces.

The wayfinding system for Oil Street Art Space is made using stainless steel with powder coating and filled debossed letters in paint. The signage is designed to be approachable and manageable, with a consistent and helpful design that highlights the features of the space and provides guidance to visitors. The black color of the signage was chosen to match the historic environment and the contemporary exhibition and multipurpose venue, while the top left flipped area is touched up in the 'Oi!' brand color to add a pop of vibrancy.

During the design process, research was conducted on signage installation protection for the historical building. The goal was to minimize damage during installation and provide flexibility for future maintenance and replacement. As a result, the signages were installed in between the bricks of the historical building, ensuring its preservation while still providing clear wayfinding for visitors.

The wayfinding system for Oil Street Art Space not only serves a functional purpose but also adds to the overall aesthetic and experience of the space. It guides visitors to explore all parts of 'Oi!' and enhances their understanding and appreciation of the art and cultural offerings. With its unique design and careful consideration of the historical context, the wayfinding system contributes to the overall success of Oil Street Art Space as a vibrant and engaging destination.

This design was awarded an Iron A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category in 2023. The award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The wayfinding system for Oil Street Art Space stood out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its contribution to creating a better world through fulfilling and positive experiences.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kimhung Choi
Image Credits: Kimhung Choi
Project Team Members: Client: Art Promotion Office, The Hong Kong SAR Designer: Kimhung Choi and Thomas Siu
Project Name: Oil Street Art Space
Project Client: Kimhung Choi

Oil Street Art Space  IMG #2
Oil Street Art Space  IMG #3
Oil Street Art Space  IMG #4
Oil Street Art Space  IMG #5
Oil Street Art Space  IMG #5

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