Flower Stool: A Versatile and Colorful Addition to Your Home

A Unique Design by Yuko Inamine

Introducing the Flower Stool

In an era where sustainability and longevity are becoming increasingly important, designer Yuko Inamine presents the Flower Stool, a versatile and visually appealing piece of furniture that adapts to your changing lifestyle. Inspired by the shift towards a more mindful approach to consumption, Inamine aimed to create a product that seamlessly integrates into our lives while supporting children's curiosity and love for reading.

The Flower Stool stands out with its colorful stripes on the sides, which are made from original plywood crafted from colored paper. Not only do these stripes add a playful touch that appeals to children, but they also induce rotational movement, making the stool visually engaging and interactive. By rotating the stool, it can be transformed into a side table, magazine rack, or any other functional piece that suits your needs.

When it comes to the seat surface, Inamine prioritized both safety and comfort for children. The seat is made from original molded plywood, carefully designed to provide a curved surface that ensures a safe and comfortable sitting experience. The Flower Stool is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and practical.

With dimensions of 350mm×350mm×400mm, the Flower Stool is compact enough to fit in any space. The plywood used for the stool is a combination of veneer and colorful paper, resulting in a beautiful and unique laminated pattern. By applying a urethane coating, the stool's durability is enhanced, making it resistant to water and ensuring its longevity.

The Flower Stool is not just a piece of furniture; it's an interactive and educational toy for children. By simply rolling it from the magazine rack, it transforms into a small stool that encourages children to read and explore their favorite books. Its versatility allows it to be used as a shelf or side table, providing endless possibilities for play and learning.

The Flower Stool project began in April 2022 and was completed in February 2023 in Japan. Throughout the design process, Inamine conducted extensive research on woodworking technology, with a focus on plywood. The colorful stripes on the stool's sides are a result of this research, showcasing the potential of plywood to bring out unique characteristics and colors. The molded plywood seat, with its organic shape, was developed to ensure the utmost comfort and safety for children.

Yuko Inamine's Flower Stool has been recognized for its exceptional design and functionality. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2023, a prestigious accolade that celebrates well-designed, practical, and innovative creations. The Flower Stool's ability to integrate seamlessly into our lives, its versatility, and its contribution to a more sustainable future make it a true winner.

Experience the joy and convenience the Flower Stool brings to your lifestyle. Let it grow with your child, adapting to their changing needs and providing endless possibilities for play and learning.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: YUKO INAMINE
Image Credits: #1: Photographer :Yuko Inamine, Flowers,2023. #2: Photographer :Yuko Inamine, Flowers,2023. #3: Photographer :Yuko Inamine, Flowers,2023 #4: Photographer :Yuko Inamine, Flowers,2023 model:Yuko Inamine(designer) #5: Photographer :Yuko Inamine, Flowers,2023
Project Team Members: YUKO INAMINE
Project Name: Flower
Project Client: YUKO INAMINE

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