Allowonce: A Mobile App Concept for Efficient Budgeting and Spending Tracking

Streamlining Financial Management for Young Adults

Allowonce is a mobile app concept designed by Hyunah Oh to help young adults manage, plan, and limit their spending in one go. By issuing a monthly virtual allowance card, users can easily track their spending and stay within their desired budget.

Allowonce was inspired by user interviews, where Oh discovered that young adults were using various apps to manage their finances. To simplify the process, Allowonce combines the usability of credit cards, the interactivity of mobile apps, and active communication. It serves as an all-in-one virtual allowance card, eliminating the need to juggle between budgeting and banking apps.

The unique strength of Allowonce lies in its ability to provide automated budgeting and spending tracking. By using the Allowonce card, users can easily limit their spending to their desired monthly budget. The app also allows users to record and track their spending, providing a comprehensive overview of their financial habits.

The realization of the Allowonce concept involved prototyping in Figma and creating mock-ups in Adobe Photoshop. User research and testing were conducted using platforms such as Slack, Zoom, and Google Forms. The app concept is intended for iOS devices, optimized for the screen size of the iPhone 13 Pro (390 x 844 px).

During the design process, Oh conducted user interviews, usability testing, and A/B testing to gather feedback and refine the app concept. The challenges faced included incorporating various user pain points into a seamless flow. Oh successfully balanced the needs of budgeting, spending recording, and accurate statements to create a user-friendly solution.

Allowonce was developed as a capstone project for BrainStation's UX Design Bootcamp, starting in May and finishing in August 2022. Even after the project was completed, user testing and iterations continued to ensure the app's effectiveness.

Allowonce has been recognized for its innovative design and practicality. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design category in 2023. This award acknowledges the app's integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its contribution to a better world.

With Allowonce, young adults can now manage their finances more efficiently and effortlessly. By providing a seamless experience for budgeting, planning, and tracking spending, Allowonce simplifies financial management and empowers users to make informed financial decisions.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hyunah Oh
Image Credits: N/A
Project Team Members: Hyunah Oh
Project Name: Allowonce
Project Client: Hyunah Oh

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