SpaceV: Revolutionizing Urban Wellbeing with Vending System Experience

Designers Tiange Wang and I-Yang Huang introduce a unique, digitally enabled space vending system.

SpaceV, a groundbreaking concept by designers Tiange Wang and I-Yang Huang, offers a unique solution to the increasing demand for accessible, convenient, and low-cost spaces that cater to urban dwellers' physical and mental wellbeing. Inspired by the rise of the shared economy and unmanned retail, SpaceV combines vending systems and private spaces for activities such as meditation, stretching, napping, and relaxation.

SpaceV stands out due to its innovative approach to everyday wellbeing. It provides a variety of spaces that individuals can book by the minute for various activities, including exercise, meditation, napping, eating, and meeting. Users can customize the multisensory quality and activity accessories to suit their needs. The design aims to meet the fragmented needs for activity and relaxation in everyday city life and support private usage of spaces for physical and mental wellbeing.

The realization of SpaceV involved extensive site analysis, user interviews, and an inspiration trip to Tokyo. The designers used spatial design, 3D modeling, and rendering for the physical space, along with journey mapping, UIUX design, and AR prototyping for the hybrid digital-physical experience. The space vending units are modular, allowing integration into new buildings or existing public spaces in different locations, quantities, and types.

The SpaceV flagship follows the Tokyo KK expressway and comprises five individual building locations. Each location spans six levels and covers a total area of 9,500 square meters. The digital part of the project is a responsive web application accessible through mobile phones and computers. Users can customize and book a space using an app, navigate to the space with in-app indoor navigation and AR wayfinding, and scan to unlock. The staff prepares the space based on the orders. Users can also browse the spaces in-person, via AR over the facade and online, and check in on the spot.

The project started in February 2022 in Cambridge, MA, USA, and wrapped up in December 2022. It continues to evolve based on user testing feedback in 2023. The research for SpaceV sought to understand contemporary wellness practices, the spatial requirement for such practices, and people's expectations for this space. The project underwent extensive project-based typological research to understand the rising demand for individualized, private versatile spaces that are conveniently located and affordably priced.

SpaceV faced unique challenges in its design process, particularly in ensuring autonomy and privacy with minimal human interference. The designers had to devise a system for reservation, management, and wayfinding that could handle the project's scale and complexity. This led them to discover the possibilities of a hybrid digital-physical method, merging spatial, interaction, and service design into a holistic physical experience.

SpaceV's innovative design and unique concept have earned it the prestigious Silver A' Idea and Conceptual Design Award in 2023. This award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tiange Wang and I-Yang Huang
Image Credits: Image #1: I-Yang Huang, Tiange Wang, 2022 Image #2: I-Yang Huang, Tiange Wang, 2022 Image #3: I-Yang Huang, Tiange Wang, 2022 Image #4: Tiange Wang, I-Yang Huang, 2022 Image #5: Tiange Wang, I-Yang Huang, 2022 Video Credits: Tiange Wang, Images, Text, UIUX, Sound
Project Team Members: I-Yang Huang
Project Name: SpaceV
Project Client: Tiange Wang and I-Yang Huang

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