About Furniture: A Comprehensive Handbook

A Valuable Resource for Students and Experts Alike

There is a lot of literature on furniture in Croatia, however, much of it is geared toward professional audiences. With the book About Furniture, the aim was to create a comprehensive handbook that serves as a valuable resource for both students and experts alike. This handbook will provide fundamental, yet pertinent information on the history, categorization, and prominent designers of furniture, making it a frequently referenced tool for those seeking a fundamental understanding of the subject. All the drawings are made by hand by Diana Sokolic.

The book, designed by Karla Kocijan, fills a gap in the market by offering a handbook that caters to students and scholars. Unlike other books about furniture, which are often written for professional use, About Furniture provides basic information in a concise and informative manner. It serves as a go-to guide for anyone looking to learn about the history, types, and authors of furniture.

What sets About Furniture apart is its unique approach to illustration. While most books in this genre rely on photographs, this handbook features 140 hand-drawn illustrations by professional artist Diana Sokolic. These illustrations bring a distinct artistic touch to the book and enhance the reader's visual experience.

The book is divided into four chapters, each covering a different aspect of furniture. The first chapter explores the history of furniture, providing insights into the evolution of styles and designs over time. The second chapter focuses on furniture in Croatia from 1945 to the present day, shedding light on the country's unique contributions to the field. The third chapter delves into iconic world furniture designs and their authors, showcasing the works of renowned designers from around the globe. Finally, the fourth chapter presents a vocabulary of forgotten furniture names and a glossary of art history terms, ensuring readers have a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

About Furniture was meticulously researched to present the most relevant and essential information. The project spanned over seven months, with a particular emphasis on highlighting the work of female designers who have often been overlooked or overshadowed by factories or architects. The book aims to give these talented women the recognition they deserve, shedding light on their contributions to the field.

The production of About Furniture involved the creation of over 300 drawings by Diana Sokolic. However, only 140 of these illustrations were selected for inclusion in the book, ensuring a balance between simplicity, brevity, and informative content. The book itself has 230 pages and is printed using offset technology. The typeface used is a combination of Monserat and Raleway, adding a modern and elegant touch to the design. The hardcover binding and the size of 170 x 25 x 245 mm make it a durable and portable handbook.

About Furniture faced its fair share of challenges during its creation. One of the most significant hurdles was finding relevant information about women designers. In Croatia, many educated women designers worked anonymously for factories or architects, leaving their brilliant pieces unrecognized. The research process involved unearthing their work and giving them the credit they deserve, ensuring their contributions are no longer hidden.

Despite the challenges, About Furniture has received recognition for its excellence. The design was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Print and Published Media Design category in 2023. This prestigious award acknowledges the book's well-designed, practical, and innovative approach, meeting the requirements of professionals and industries. About Furniture stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its contribution to a better world.

About Furniture is a must-have handbook for anyone interested in furniture. Its comprehensive approach, unique illustrations, and dedication to highlighting the work of female designers make it an invaluable resource in the field. Whether you are a student, scholar, or simply a furniture enthusiast, this book will provide you with the essential knowledge and insights you need.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Karla Kocijan
Image Credits: Karla Kocijan
Project Team Members: Karla Kocijan
Project Name: About Furniture
Project Client: Karla Kocijan

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