Oasis: A Gamified New-Energy Charging Pile

Revolutionizing EV Charging with Interactive Design

With the gradual popularization of new energy vehicles, new requirements are put forward for the endurance of EV and the interactive design of charging piles.

Oasis, designed by Yang Feiya, Fan Xujuan, and Wu Chunmao, is a groundbreaking new-energy charging pile that combines portability, powerful functionality, and a gamified interaction mode. This innovative design aims to revolutionize the EV charging experience and create a personalized oasis within the user's digital world.

The inspiration for Oasis came from the need to find more interesting and diverse ways of interacting with charging piles. Traditional charging methods are limited in their interactivity, prompting the designers to explore new avenues. Additionally, the team sought to enrich the services provided by charging piles and offer more modules to cater to different user needs.

One of the unique properties of Oasis is its portable power module. The charging pile incorporates a three-degree portable power module, allowing users to meet their power needs in remote locations, such as camping in the wild. This feature enhances the versatility and convenience of the charging pile, making it an essential companion for outdoor enthusiasts.

The gamification-oriented interaction mode of Oasis adds an element of fun and personalization to the charging process. Each charging pile symbolizes different trees, and as users charge their EVs, virtual plants grow and flourish. By using different charging piles, users can collect their own virtual plants and create personalized gardens within their digital metaverse. This unique approach transforms the charging experience into an engaging and visually appealing activity.

Oasis is realized using a combination of advanced materials and technologies. The product incorporates a TPE insulation layer, high-strength nylon, and PC materials to ensure durability and reliability. The overall dimensions of the charging pile are 350mm * 350mm * 1700mm, making it compact and space-efficient.

During the charging process, Oasis provides a seamless and intuitive user experience. When users approach the charging pile, they can select their preferred plant category based on the outline displayed on the standby screen. As the charging progresses, the scattered plants on the screen gradually combine to form a cohesive whole, providing users with a visually enjoyable experience. Additionally, users have the option to rent a three-degree power supply module, which can serve as a living power supply for outdoor camping or an emergency power source for EVs.

The development of Oasis began in 2022 in Shanghai, with the V-charger team conducting extensive research and exploring technical support. By the end of the same year, the design stage commenced, and the final product is set to be launched in 2023. Throughout the project, the team faced various challenges, including balancing product functions, innovative interactions, and user needs. However, through iterative optimization and the integration of AI technology and big data, they successfully overcame these obstacles.

Oasis has garnered recognition and acclaim, receiving the Iron A' Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award is granted to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. Oasis stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its contribution to a better world.

With its portable power module, gamified interaction mode, and personalized metaverse garden, Oasis sets a new standard for EV charging. It not only fulfills the functional requirements of charging piles but also enhances the user experience, making the charging process enjoyable and visually captivating.

Images and photos belong to Shanghai Greatway. All intellectual property rights and copyrights belong to Shanghai Greatway.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chunmao Wu
Image Credits: Images and photos belong to Shanghai Greatway
Project Team Members: Yang Feiya Fan Xujuan Wu Chunmao
Project Name: Oasis
Project Client: Chunmao Wu

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