Reflection: A Dazzling Display of Asymmetry and Elegance

Mandy Morris's Award-Winning Earrings Blend Artistry and Innovation

Reflection, a unique piece of jewelry designed by Mandy Morris, is a testament to the power of asymmetry and the beauty of hidden depths. Inspired by a bird viewing its reflection, these earrings are a stunning exploration of our dual nature, showcasing the flamboyant and the subtle sides of our personalities.

These one-of-a-kind earrings are a marvel of design and craftsmanship. The right earring is a flamboyant piece that hooks around the ear, adorned with flowers balanced inside. The left earring, in contrast, is a more subtle stud design. The asymmetry is further accentuated by a drop section that can be added to either earring or worn as a pendant, offering versatility and a touch of whimsy.

Morris's design process was meticulous and inspired. The initial image of a bird on a branch viewing its reflection was transformed through days of sketching, layout tracing, hand rendering, and CAD-CAM into a wire form. The shape was then stretched to form a hook around the ear, with the reflection part evolving into a removable drop. The result is a piece of jewelry that is as much a work of art as it is a fashion statement.

The earrings are handcrafted from repurposed 18ct white gold, drawn into metal wire to form the body of the main earring. The process involved laser welding, hand finishing, grain set and bezel set sapphires and diamonds, and polishing. The technical specifications are impressive: the left earring measures 60mm in height, 40mm in width, and 12mm in depth, while the right earring is 15mm in height, 11mm in width, and 7mm in depth. The drop attachment adds another dimension, measuring 35mm in height, 9mm in width, and 5mm in depth.

The project, which began in October 2021 in York and concluded in February 2022, was exhibited in London in March 2022. Despite challenges related to gemstone availability and the wire drawing and formation process, Morris persevered, resulting in a design that is both innovative and aesthetically pleasing.

Reflection's unique design and exceptional craftsmanship have not gone unnoticed. The earrings were awarded Silver in the A' Jewelry, Eyewear, and Watch Design Award in 2023, a prestigious accolade reserved for designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation. The award is a testament to Morris's creativity and technical skill, and a recognition of the positive feelings, amazement, and wonder that her design inspires.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: mandy morris
Image Credits: mandy morris
Project Team Members: mandy morris
Project Name: Reflection
Project Client: mandy morris

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Reflection  IMG #5

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