S House: A Sanctuary of Serene Living Amidst Urbanity

Go Fujita's Award-Winning Villa Blurs Indoors with Outdoors

Discover the S House, a private villa in Ashiya that stands as a testament to Go Fujita's innovative design approach, harmonizing the interior with the exterior in a bustling urban setting.

Go Fujita's S House, nestled in the urban landscape of Hyogo Prefecture, is a marvel of architectural design that has garnered the prestigious Silver A' Design Award. This three-story concrete villa is a masterclass in privacy and tranquility, skillfully shielding its inhabitants from the intrusive sights and sounds of the city. The villa's unique properties lie in its ability to merge the indoors with the outdoors, creating a seamless flow that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

The design's inspiration stems from the challenges posed by the villa's environment. With close proximity to neighboring structures and a bustling thoroughfare, Go Fujita has ingeniously crafted a series of exterior walls that rise in gentle gradients. These barriers are not just functional; they are a reinterpretation of traditional Japanese architecture, where the distinction between inside and outside is subtly blurred. The result is a serene pathway that guides residents from the clamor of the city to the calm oasis within.

Upon entering the S House, one is greeted by the tactile allure of tatami-finished walls, juxtaposed with contemporary art pieces that evoke a sense of peace. The journey continues upwards, where indirect lighting leads to a living space that basks in natural light. Here, the double-height windows and tin wallpaper work in concert to softly scatter sunlight, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere throughout the day.

The villa's design philosophy extends to the way it frames views of the outside world. Strategic openings in the thick concrete walls serve as living canvases, capturing the dynamic tableau of the changing seasons and times of day. This interplay of light and landscape enriches the daily lives of the residents, offering a visual symphony that is both grounding and uplifting.

As day turns to evening, the living area transforms into a gallery of sorts, where art and modern furnishings take center stage. The design's strength lies in its refusal to draw hard lines between opposing elements—interior and exterior, motion and stillness, yin and yang. Instead, it invites interpretation and personal reflection, crafting an ambiance that is rich with meaning and emotion.

The S House by Go Fujita is more than just a private villa; it is a sanctuary that redefines urban living. Its recognition as a Silver A' Design Award winner is a testament to its exceptional design, which stands as a beacon of innovation and elegance in the realm of interior space and exhibition design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: GO FUJITA
Image Credits: GO FUJITA
Project Team Members: GO FUJITA
Project Name: S House
Project Client: GO FUJITA

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