Yihe Dim Sum: A Culinary Homage to the Summer Palace

Revolutionizing Pastry Packaging with Cultural Elegance

In a blend of tradition and modernity, Yihe Dim Sum introduces a packaging design that's as tasteful as the pastries it encases, drawing inspiration from Beijing's historic Summer Palace.

As the Summer Palace gears up to welcome a surge of visitors, its latest venture, Yihe Dim Sum, emerges as a cultural beacon. This Beijing-style pastry brand is more than a gastronomic delight; it's a visual and spiritual journey through the palace's storied past. The brand's strategic design is set to enhance the perceived value of its pastries and leverage the power of design to promote cultural heritage.

Yihe Dim Sum's packaging design stands out with its innovative use of iconic Summer Palace sites to represent different pastry flavors. The design team, led by Ye Zhang, has artfully combined pop art with traditional Chinese architectural elements, resulting in a collage that captures the imagination. This approach not only appeals to the aesthetic sensibilities of the younger demographic but also sets a new trend in the realm of traditional Chinese pastry packaging.

The production of "The Summer Palace Pastry" packaging is a testament to technological craftsmanship, utilizing UV technology and featuring a durable and aesthetically pleasing design. The meticulous use of special paper, bronzing printing, and die-cutting processes ensures that the packaging is not only visually stunning but also physically robust, safeguarding the delicacies within.

With dimensions carefully chosen to accommodate the pastries, the packaging design comprises an outer box and four smaller, individual boxes, each reflecting a unique flavor and cultural story. This thoughtful design not only enhances the unboxing experience but also serves as a tangible connection to the rich tapestry of Chinese culture.

Available both online and at the Summer Palace's gift shop, Yihe Dim Sum offers visitors a chance to take home a slice of history. These pastries serve as a bridge between consumption and cultural appreciation, making for perfect souvenirs or gifts that carry the essence of the Summer Palace's architectural grandeur.

The design journey, which began in Beijing in March 2023 and concluded in December of the same year, culminated in the January 2024 launch at the Summer Palace. The project's success is rooted in extensive research, including fieldwork, surveys, and brand analysis, leading to a design that harmoniously marries traditional Chinese elements with a contemporary pop style. The resulting product has garnered significant attention and praise, injecting a fresh perspective into the cultural narrative of the Summer Palace and setting a new standard for pastry packaging design.

Ye Zhang and the design team faced the creative challenge of modernizing traditional architecture for pastry packaging. Their success lies in the ability to resonate with young consumers, fostering a newfound appreciation for Chinese architectural culture. This innovative packaging design has not only captivated the market but has also been recognized with the prestigious Bronze A' Design Award in 2024, a testament to its creative ingenuity and cultural significance.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Beijing Jiaotong University
Image Credits: This work is all original images not copyrighted.
Project Team Members: Design Director:YeZhang Art Director:YangMao Art Director:XingxingLi Lead Designer:XiaoyiWang Designer:XiaoyuanQin Designer:YuzhengLei Designer:YeLin Designer:LeSun Designer:XiaoYuZhou
Project Name: Yihe Dim Sum
Project Client: Beijing Jiaotong University

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