Chasing Space: A Symphony of Sound and Motion

Francesco Sarcone's Award-Winning Exploration of Space Through Sound

Francesco Sarcone's 'Chasing Space' is a unique blend of music and motion graphics, inspired by the infinite expanses of the universe and the tiny worlds within it. This article delves into the creative process behind this award-winning design.

Francesco Sarcone's 'Chasing Space' is a unique exploration of the universe through sound. Inspired by a speech from philosopher Alan Watts, Sarcone sought to capture the concept of space and emptiness, and the intricate world within the boundless universe. The result is a stunning blend of music and motion graphics that takes viewers on a journey through abstract space.

The strength of 'Chasing Space' lies in its unique soundscape. The main theme, composed exclusively for this project, is perfectly synchronized with the on-screen action, creating a seamless blend of music and visuals. Sound effects and music are interwoven to create a soundscape that is as much a part of the experience as the visuals themselves.

The creation of 'Chasing Space' involved a blend of traditional and modern techniques. Musical instruments such as guitars, bass, and percussions were used, along with music production software Ableton Live. Field sound recording was used to capture the sound of an empty room, while a contact microphone was used to capture the sound of small objects, adding depth and realism to the soundscape.

One of the challenges Sarcone faced was creating sounds out of nothing and describing emptiness with sound. This required a deep understanding of sound design and a creative approach to using everyday objects to create unique sounds. The result is a soundscape that is both abstract and deeply personal, reflecting the emptiness of space and the bustling activity within tiny worlds.

'Chasing Space' has been recognized for its innovative approach to sound design, winning the Golden A' Music, Audio and Sound Design Award in 2013. This prestigious award is granted to outstanding and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, and significantly impact the world with their desirable characteristics.

In conclusion, Francesco Sarcone's 'Chasing Space' is a unique exploration of space through sound, blending music and motion graphics to create a captivating experience. It is a testament to Sarcone's creativity and skill, and a shining example of the power of sound design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Francesco Sarcone
Image Credits: Francesco Sarcone
Project Team Members: Francesco Sarcone
Project Name: Chasing Space
Project Client: Francesco Sarcone

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