Una: A Masterpiece of Balance and Grace

Conor McDonald's Award-Winning Side Table Redefines Traditional Design Principles

Una, a side table designed by Conor McDonald, is a testament to the power of simplicity and the potential of traditional materials when used in innovative ways. This award-winning design is a seamless integration of form and function, challenging and embracing the basic principles of design.

The inspiration behind Una lies in the process of design itself. McDonald believes in the validity of an idea when a logical progression becomes evident. This progression is clearly visible in Una, where the seamless integration of its components reflects the natural flow of the design process.

Una's unique properties lie in its simplicity and the clever use of plywood. Capitalizing on the inherent strength and flexibility of the material, McDonald has created a table that is both sturdy and light. The tension achieved through precise design considerations allows the glass surface to be incorporated without the need for additional fasteners.

The table is realized through a meticulous process. Eight pieces of 1/16 inch rotary cut maple veneer are pressed together, cut into a common form, bent, and fixed together using traditional joining techniques. The identical plywood forms optimize manufacturing repeatability, while the tension of the frame holds the glass surface permanently in place.

Una is not just a table; it is an interaction piece. It is sturdy and well balanced, yet airy in appearance and incredibly light. This unobtrusive table can be trusted to accommodate your accouterments and compliment your space. The table's dimensions are width 418mm x depth 369mm x height 514mm, and it weighs 3kg.

Una's design journey began in November 2012 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and was completed in March 2013. The design process was not without its challenges. The greatest challenge, according to McDonald, was to prototype a piece that requires this level of precision. Despite the challenges, the simplicity of manufacturing such a piece served as the greatest motivation to do so.

Una's excellence in design has not gone unnoticed. It was awarded the Golden A' Furniture Design Award in 2014, a prestigious accolade granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. Una is indeed a testament to McDonald's ingenuity and a shining example of how traditional materials can be used in innovative ways to create stunning pieces of functional art.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Conor McDonald
Image Credits: Conor McDonald
Project Team Members: n/a
Project Name: una
Project Client: Conor McDonald

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