Reimagining Education: The Kawaii Design Approach

Tetsuya Matsumoto's Award-Winning Design for a Cramming School in Kobe, Japan

In a world where education is often associated with stress and pressure, Tetsuya Matsumoto's design for a cramming school in Kobe, Japan, offers a refreshing perspective. Drawing inspiration from the concept of 'Kawaii' or 'cute', Matsumoto has created a space that is not only functional but also engaging and visually appealing.

Matsumoto's design, aptly named 'Kawaii - Cute', is inspired by the openings in the world heritage Himeji castle, known as 'SAMA' in Japanese. These shooting openings in the castle walls have been transformed into pentagonal 'houses' that resemble the simple houses drawn by children. The design is unique in its use of these pentagonal shapes, which are visible through the transparent facade from the shopping street.

The design's unique properties extend beyond its shape. The surrounding area of the cramming school is filled with girls' schools, and the design reflects this through its use of a feminine and 'cute' aesthetic. The pentagonal shapes are slightly irregular, conveying a sense of 'imperfection' and 'unsophistication' that enhances the 'Kawaii' world concept.

In terms of construction, the design was realized using a metallic frame to support the plasterboards attached by using vinyl cross, a technique widely used in Japanese interior constructions. The walls of the pentagons are then covered with six layers of paint to achieve a smooth, attractive finish that aligns with the 'Kawaii' concept.

The school is designed for high school students preparing for their university entrance exams. Inside the colorful house-shaped pentagons, students can sit and study while watching recorded lectures on the internet using computers and headsets. The design also includes spaces for orientation sessions with parents, classrooms, a reception, and a conference room.

The design process focused on making the space more feminine and as 'kawaii' as possible, with the aim of making study time more enjoyable and attractive. The main challenge was to materialize the abstract concept of 'Kawaii', which took a long time and several attempts. The second challenge was to keep the cost of realization as low as possible, which was achieved through the use of simple techniques widely used in Japanese interior constructions.

In recognition of its innovative design and successful materialization of the 'Kawaii' concept, 'Kawaii - Cute' was awarded the Golden A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2015. This award is granted to designs that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, advance art, science, design, and technology, and significantly impact the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tetsuya Matsumoto
Image Credits: Toshiyuki Nishimatsu
Project Team Members: Tetsuya Matsumoto Matsuya Art Works
Project Name: Kawaii : Cute
Project Client: Tetsuya Matsumoto

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