Origami Ark: A Fusion of Tradition and Futurism

Designer Tetsuya Matsumoto's Award-Winning Showroom Design

Origami Ark, a unique showroom designed by Tetsuya Matsumoto, is a perfect blend of traditional Japanese art and futuristic design. This article explores the inspiration, unique properties, and challenges faced in the creation of this masterpiece.

The Origami Ark, also known as the Sansho showroom, is a testament to the innovative mind of Tetsuya Matsumoto. Drawing inspiration from the traditional Japanese art of Origami and the high-speed Shinkansen trains, Matsumoto has created a space that is both futuristic and deeply rooted in tradition. The exterior of the building mirrors the sharp angles and intricate folds of Origami, while the interior showcases the overwhelming variety of over 3000 leather items produced by Sansho.

What sets the Origami Ark apart is its unique combination of a futuristic exterior and a traditional interior. The showroom is designed as a three-dimensional maze composed of 83 metallic display units, each serving a specific function. This design not only allows for the display of a vast array of products but also provides an immersive experience for the visitor, akin to exploring a jungle gym.

The realization of this design was a feat in itself. The exterior shape was achieved using a metallic structure to keep the construction budget low while still allowing for the creation of sharp angled walls. The interior, on the other hand, was built using a 100 x 100 mm2 metallic frame and OCB wood panels, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere amidst the industrial display units.

Despite the challenges faced, such as a restricted budget and limited space, Matsumoto successfully created a space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The design process involved extensive spatial research and numerous sketches to find the perfect dimensioning of the display units. The final design is a testament to Matsumoto's ability to overcome these challenges and create a space that is both effective and profitable.

The Origami Ark has been recognized for its innovative design, winning the Golden A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2016. This prestigious award is granted to designs that reflect extraordinary excellence and significantly impact the world with their desirable characteristics. The Origami Ark is indeed a marvelous creation that embodies the fusion of tradition and futurism, reflecting the designer's prodigy and wisdom.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tetsuya Matsumoto
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Masato Kawano, Origami Ark, 2015. Image #2: Photographer Masato Kawano, Origami Ark, 2015. Image #3: Photographer Masato Kawano, Origami Ark, 2015. Image #4: Photographer Masato Kawano, Origami Ark, 2015. Image #5: Photographer Masato Kawano, Origami Ark, 2015.
Project Team Members: Tetsuya Matsumoto
Project Name: Origami Ark
Project Client: Tetsuya Matsumoto

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