Wearable Architecture: The Tehran City Theatre Ring

Somayeh Kianpour's Design Celebrates Persian Architecture and Cultural Unity

In an era where political conflicts and social segregations threaten global safety, Somayeh Kianpour's Tehran City Theatre Ring stands as a beacon of unity and cultural diversity. This piece of wearable architecture, inspired by the greatest venue of dramatic and performing arts in Iran, is not just a piece of jewellery, but an opportunity to celebrate shared cultural achievements and challenge subjective perspectives.

Founded in the 1960s by Empress Farah Pahlavi, the Tehran City Theatre Complex is a testament to Iran's commitment to artistic and cultural development. The building's circular and cylindrical form, designed by architect Ali Sardar Afkhami, evokes ancient and traditional theatre, bearing signs of different Persian architectural periods. Kianpour's ring design minimises intervention, maintaining the building's circular form as a symbol of integration and unity.

The Tehran City Theatre Ring is unique in its representation of cultural diversity. The monochrome gem setting all over the round form of the ring signifies the value of cultural diversity, but from an equal and uniform attitude and proposition. The design, made with Matrix and gold and weighing about 9.00 grams, is adorned with syntactic diamonds, adding to its uniqueness and exclusivity.

The ring's design process prioritised simplicity, making it easy for daily use. The rich cultural background of the object gives the wearer a deeper realisation of cultural achievements, current advantages, and weaknesses. This understanding leads to a hidden bond between the wearer and the ring, creating a connection that goes beyond ordinary accessories or jewellery.

The project, which started in July 2014 and finished in January 2017 in Tehran, Iran, was not exhibited before the A' Design Award Competition. The Wearable Architecture collection, inspired by Persian architectural artworks, was designed with various social, cultural, and environmental subjects in mind. The challenge lay in transforming an urban scale structure into a jewellery function and scale, while remaining loyal to the original artwork.

The Tehran City Theatre Ring was awarded the Golden A' Jewelry, Eyewear, and Watch Design Award in 2017. This prestigious award is granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. They are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Somayeh Kiara Kianpour
Image Credits: PhotoImage #1,2: Photographer Hedieh Kavoosian, Tehran City Theatre, 2017. Image #1,2: Model Niloofar Kavoosian, Tehran City Theatre, 2017. Image #3,4,5: Photographer Barax Studio, Tehran City Theatre, 2017
Project Team Members: Somayeh Kiara Kianpour
Project Name: Tehran City Theatre
Project Client: Somayeh Kiara Kianpour

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