Neighbour Program: Connecting Southeast Asian Art and Design Institutions

A Unique Platform for Collaboration and Cultural Exchange

The Neighbour Program, created by Halfnot Indesign, aims to reconnect art and design institutions within the Southeast Asian region, fostering collaboration, cultural exchange, and the advancement of the creative industry. Inspired by the idea of people living next to each other, the program's logo represents each country with a single icon, a simplified form of a typical roof from each nation as seen from above. This logo system can evolve by adding more icons as the number of member countries grows.

The Neighbour Program serves as a platform for art and design institutions in Southeast Asia to connect and collaborate. By bringing together neighboring countries, the program creates opportunities for academic affiliation, cross-cultural events, guest lecturer visits, school visits, internships, and employment opportunities. The sharing of resources and the opening up of more portfolio shows, event highlights, and publicity materials also contribute to the growth and visibility of the participating institutions.

The logo design for the Neighbour Program reflects the unique characteristics of each country while emphasizing their interconnectedness. The simplified roof icons can be viewed as houses in a row, representing the geographical position of each country, or as individual entities. This flexible design allows for future expansion as more countries join the program, reinforcing the spirit of unity and collaboration.

Halfnot Indesign employed a simple 3D pop-up construction for the program's poster, featuring a strip of roof shapes that further accentuate the illusion of neighboring countries standing together while maintaining their diversity and cultural heritage. The poster includes clear instructions on where to fold along the dotted lines, resulting in the formation of the roof shape. The use of environmentally friendly materials and traditional weaving techniques for the invitation envelope symbolizes the collaborative effort between the participating countries.

The Neighbour Program was launched in 2013 and continues to thrive as an ongoing initiative. Each year, a different country within the Southeast Asian region is chosen as the host, responsible for archiving the creative processes, research, and works accumulated throughout the workshops. This ensures the preservation and documentation of the program's progress and achievements.

The design of the Neighbour Program faced the challenge of representing multiple countries with their own unique identities. However, the resulting brand successfully captures the essence of each country while maintaining simplicity and adaptability. The logo's dynamic nature allows for future growth and evolution, accommodating new member countries and reflecting the program's commitment to fostering collaboration and cultural exchange.

The Neighbour Program, with its innovative approach to connecting art and design institutions, was recognized with the Iron A' Design Award in 2018. This prestigious award acknowledges the program's well-designed, practical, and innovative nature, meeting professional and industrial requirements. The Neighbour Program is respected for integrating industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world through its positive impact on the creative industry.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Halfnot Indesign
Image Credits: HALFNOT indesign
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Jacky Halim Art Director: Jane Jahja
Project Name: Neighbour Program
Project Client: Halfnot Indesign

Neighbour Program IMG #2
Neighbour Program IMG #3
Neighbour Program IMG #4
Neighbour Program IMG #5
Neighbour Program IMG #5

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