Amphora Olympia: A Tribute to Ancient Greece's Olive Heritage

Sophia Georgopoulou Designs Award-Winning Olive Oil Packaging Inspired by Olympic History

Amphora Olympia, a series of premium quality Organic and Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Greece, is a tribute to the birthplace of the Olympic Games, ancient Olympia. Designed by Sophia Georgopoulou, the brand's packaging design is inspired by the ancient practice of preserving olive oil in amphorae, a nod to the rich history of olive cultivation in the region.

Georgopoulou's design strategy was to create a clear-cut logotype that encapsulates the essence of the brand. The logo features a circle in the middle, symbolising the olive oil and ancient Olympia (letter O), placed at the center of an amphora shape inspired by the letter A of the word Amphora. This design is concealed in a black circle, focusing the viewer's attention on the Greek origin of the olive oil and the qualities of this heritage. The different colors depicted on the “O” showcase the varieties of the product.

The olive oil bottles are silk-screen printed, and the boxes are printed on premium, textured, and high-quality card stock paper using the Pantone color palette. The overall minimal and modern design highlights the premium quality of the product, positioning it in the upper-class market segment of Extra Virgin Olive Oils.

Amphora Olympia Olive Oil products come in three varieties: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Early Harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and Late Harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oil. They are available in two sizes, 250 ml and 500 ml. Each bottle comes in a premium quality box that includes a brief text about the Olympic Games and explains why the Greek olive oil from Ancient Olympia is considered to be sacred.

The project started in May 2016 in Athens and was completed in April 2017. The main challenge was to differentiate a new olive oil brand amidst the vast Greek and International competition. However, the design's unique properties and connection to ancient Greek history have set it apart. The design was awarded the Golden A' Packaging Design Award in 2018, a testament to its outstanding and trendsetting creation.

In conclusion, Amphora Olympia is a remarkable example of how design can pay tribute to a region's history and culture. Sophia Georgopoulou's design not only encapsulates the essence of ancient Olympia and its olive heritage but also positions the brand in the premium segment of the market. The design's success is a testament to the power of research, creativity, and a deep understanding of the product's roots.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Sophia Georgopoulou
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer George Pavlakos, 2017 Image #2: Photographer George Pavlakos, 2017 Image #3: Photographer George Pavlakos, 2017 Image #4: Photographer George Pavlakos, 2017 Image #5: Photographer George Pavlakos, 2017
Project Team Members: Concept & Design: Sophia Georgopoulou Text editor: Nikos Vlachogiannis Photographer: George Pavlakos
Project Name: Amphora Olympia
Project Client: Sophia Georgopoulou

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Amphora Olympia IMG #5

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