Zooco Studio's Innovative Wine Shop Design

De Vinos Y Viandas: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

In the heart of Valladolid, Spain, Zooco Studio unveils De Vinos Y Viandas, a wine shop that marries tradition with contemporary design. The award-winning project, inspired by the world of wine, showcases a unique blend of materials and shapes, creating an immersive and interactive experience for visitors.

De Vinos Y Viandas draws its inspiration from various elements of the wine world. The materiality of antique cellars, wooden barrels, and wine reflections all play a role in shaping the space. The project also finds inspiration in the shape of the circumference, a form recurrent in the wine world, from the wooden barrels to the vaulted cellars.

The uniqueness of De Vinos Y Viandas lies in its attempt to abstract the formal wine world. The space is created as a continuous formal changer using only pure shapes such as the circumference. The juxtaposition of several circumferences in both directions creates a space that, when viewed linearly, resembles vaults. This design allows for the organic emergence of required situations such as the counter, tasting table, and exhibition-sale space, all in harmony with the materials used.

The realization of the space is achieved through the use of three primary materials: wood, stone, and mirror. Wood is used for the rib system, reminiscent of the barrels, while stone is used for the flooring, echoing the antique cellars. The mirror material generates a sense of amplitude and creates an atmospheric world of reflections where the circumferences seem to contain some kind of liquid.

The design specifications of the space are meticulously detailed. The overall dimensions are 7mx5.5m and 3m in height, with a 5m2 area of wine exhibition located in the perimeter of the main room. The rib system is atomized in its longitudinal direction, dividing the system into vertical spaces of 15 cm with 15 curved boards and 45 straight and vertical boards with 25mm of thickness. The furniture is also interactive, with a folding table attached to the central column, providing a flexible space due to its mobility.

The project, which started in October 2016 and finished in August 2017, is a testament to the harmonious collaboration of modernity, design, and business. It was recognized with the prestigious Platinum A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2018, a testament to its world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative design.

In conclusion, De Vinos Y Viandas by Zooco Studio is a remarkable fusion of traditional wine elements and modern design techniques. Its unique properties, innovative realization technology, and meticulous design specifications make it a standout in the realm of interior design. The project not only provides an immersive wine shopping experience but also contributes to the aesthetic and cultural landscape of Valladolid, Spain.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Zooco Estudio
Image Credits: All photos credits: Imágen Subliminal, 2017.
Project Team Members: Architect:Miguel Crespo Picot Architect:Javier Guzmán Benito Architect:Sixto Marín Martínez Architect Collaborator:María Larriba
Project Name: VinosYViandas
Project Client: Zooco Estudio

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