Mandalas: Innovative Rings Inspired by Sacred Geometry

Translating Sacred Oriental Ornaments into Jewelry Design

Mandalas, a series of rings designed by Igor Komov, beautifully capture the essence of sacred geometry and traditional Tibetan Buddhism. These innovative pieces of jewelry combine ancient symbolism with modern materials and techniques, resulting in unique and captivating designs.

The inspiration for the Mandalas ring series comes from the mandala, a sacred geometric symbol in Buddhism and other spiritual traditions. It is interpreted as a two-dimensional model of the universe, representing its internal order and clarity. Komov's goal was to translate these sacred oriental ornaments into the language of jewelry design, creating pieces that embody the beauty and spirituality of the mandala.

What sets the Mandalas rings apart is their use of innovative materials. The series consists of three items, each representing a different mandala. The rings are made from silver and anodized titanium, giving them a striking and contemporary look. In the center of each ring, a rauchtopaz gemstone adds a touch of elegance and sophistication.

Creating these intricate designs required careful attention to detail. Each detail of a traditional mandala holds sacred meaning, so it was crucial to preserve the internal order and construction of the pattern. Through texturing and polishing techniques, Komov achieved a level of craftsmanship that honors the spiritual significance of the mandala.

One of the unique features of the Mandalas rings is their non-traditional shanks. The shanks are designed to correspond with the design of the mandala itself, creating a harmonious and cohesive aesthetic. This attention to detail enhances the overall visual impact of the rings and adds an element of surprise and delight.

The Mandalas ring series was exhibited in the Museum of Amber in Kaliningrad after its completion in May 2018. The project, which started in January of the same year, was a result of extensive research into the visual variability of traditional mandalas in Tibetan schools of Buddhism. Komov's dedication to understanding the cultural and spiritual significance of the mandala shines through in his designs.

Recognized for its creativity and ingenuity, the Mandalas ring series was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Jewelry, Eyewear, and Watch Design category in 2019. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate outstanding technical and creative skills, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology. The Mandalas rings not only showcase Komov's talent but also contribute to the improvement of quality of life through their unique and meaningful designs.

With the Mandalas ring series, Igor Komov has successfully merged ancient symbolism with contemporary design, creating jewelry pieces that are not only visually stunning but also spiritually significant. These innovative rings serve as a reminder of the beauty and harmony that can be found in the intersection of art, architecture, design, and spirituality.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Igor Komov
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Igor Komov, 2018 Image #2: Photographer Igor Komov, 2018 Image #3: Photographer Igor Komov, 2018 Image #4: Photographer Marina Tarasova, model Thu Anh Nguen, 2018 Image #5: Photographer Marina Tarasova, model Thu Anh Nguen, 2018
Project Team Members: Katerina Komova Yuri Zotov Katerina Tveritina Valery Starikov
Project Name: Mandalas
Project Client: Igor Komov

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