Yuan Space: A Dynamic Eco-Sharing Office in Guangzhou

Creating a Platform for Resource Interoperability and Urban Vitality

The advent of the new era of shared economy has brought about changes in the city. In the past, typical office buildings were rented to different companies on each floor. There was no communication between the people entering and leaving the building. How to effectively create a platform that is conducive to resource interoperability and integrate with local culture to generate new urban vitality. Design important challenges.

Yuan Space, designed by Yubiao Xu, is a shared office located in Guangzhou, China. Spanning approximately 7,000 square meters, this dynamic eco-sharing office embraces the principles of openness and interaction. It aims to break the initial feelings of depression and dullness often associated with traditional office spaces, creating a leisurely art space.

The design of Yuan Space incorporates large areas of glass, stainless steel mirrors, and visually striking materials. This choice enhances the visual effects of the office, providing a refreshing and vibrant atmosphere. The space is meticulously crafted to blend lines and curves, utilizing the concept of "continuous rotation and folding." The interplay between movement and rest is accentuated by vibrant yellow accents, infusing the entire office with a sense of vitality.

The project, which began in February 2018 and was completed in December 2018, aimed to create an ultimate "simple and quiet" living office environment. By optimizing the relationship between people, the design seeks to elevate the pressure and motivation of work to a higher level. The primary goal of Yuan Space is to provide office comfort, ensuring that individuals can thrive in their work environment.

Yuan Space has been recognized for its outstanding design and creativity, receiving the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2019. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that demonstrate resourcefulness and authenticity, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology. By contributing to quality of life improvements, designs like Yuan Space make the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yubiao Xu
Image Credits: Image #1,Yubiao Xu,2018 Image #2,Yubiao Xu,2018 Image #3,Yubiao Xu,2018 Image #4,Yubiao Xu,2018 Image #5,Yubiao Xu,2018
Project Team Members: Designer:Yubiao Xu
Project Name: Yuan space
Project Client: Yubiao Xu

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