Redouble Fish: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

Branding Design by Gino Chen and Congee Huang Wins Silver A' Design Award

Redouble Fish, a unique branding design by Gino Chen and Congee Huang, brings together Chinese tradition and modern aesthetics in a harmonious blend. Inspired by Chinese regional culture and the restaurant's category, the design radiates new era features while maintaining a connection to its roots.

The name Redouble Fish is a clever combination of words, each carrying a significant meaning. Red, a traditional Chinese festive color, symbolizes happiness and peace. Double, on the other hand, represents the good implication of a pair in traditional Chinese culture and the meaning of integration. Lastly, Fish, directly related to the brand category, improves the restaurant's classification through the name.

The design process of Redouble Fish involved constant absorption of traditional experience. The designers extracted and benefited from Chinese traditional art, integrating and transforming it into a tangible reality. The result is a brand design that radiates new era features, making it a new and universal national fashion brand.

The color palette used in the design further enhances its cultural significance. Cinnabar red and stone green were chosen as the main colors. Red, one of the most popular colors in China, represents auspiciousness and happiness. The contrast between green and red creates a sense of cold and warm, making the design more harmonious and full of spirit and vitality.

The project, which started in December 2017 in Shantou and finished in August 2018 in the same city, is a product of a new national fashion that combines Chinese traditional art with contemporary cultural exchanges. The designers aimed to show the synesthesia effect of eating through the brand, allowing consumers to experience both tangible products and intangible culture.

Redouble Fish was awarded Silver in A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2019. The award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chen Cengrui, Huang Xudong
Image Credits: cengrui chen xudong huang
Project Team Members: cengrui chen xudong huang
Project Name: Redouble Fish
Project Client: Chen Cengrui, Huang Xudong

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